book review

Please choose a book and answer the questions. There is an example added to the end. Attached is a grading rubric. I need fully credit on this so please follow it. While Hollywood doesnt always create an accurate portrayal of addiction on film, the written word has been the source …


read through the pdf file and watch the youtobe video that is in the word document. I apologize a head of time the video is an hour long and the readings is long :(. does not need to be a full essay, just answer the questions in the word document …

A Mother’s Role

This paper does not have to be an A paper, I am completely okay with a B. I’m not the strongest writer and am pressed for time. I started with my topic -A Mother’s Role- from the poem Marks by Linda Pastan. Basically how the mother of the household is …

Policy Process Report

Each student is required to view the video I have supplied regarding a public policy making body (see below). The report (3 double-spaced typed pages) on this meeting should identify the policy-making body, the date and time of the meeting, did the board run the meeting consistent with their agenda, …

what i’ve learned from being an office aid at my school

This is a 5 paragraph essay assignment from my office aid class. What i’ve learned is good communication skills. cleaning, and being at my supervisors/teachers beck and call. Maybe talk about the greatest inovators of the world, to make it longer. You can say anything really but honestly i don’t …

Ethnic group observation

Collect qualitative data about the group, issue, or organization you have chosen for your final project focus. Specifically carry out an ethnographic observation of a context connected (even loosely if accessibility is an issue), to your potential fieldwork site. (For example, if you are hoping to research health care in …

I have an intro/treatment I need continued

I need my story continued. so I want the main character to see the real world isnt so good and its malicious and evil. & the underground world he gets sucked into is the good world filled with positivity. The people of the underworld will not let him go feels …

Coronavirus – is it so dangerous?

Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic. You can change the topic aspect if you wish.Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate …

Draft questions

Draft questions based on the article.Article in this link: There are two examples in the document, please do something similar to that. Please write around 200 words only! NO need to research, only read the article, quote or paraphrase it like examples and draft some questions that are not …