
So far I did #4 and #5 in the homework which is attached in Numerical computing Hw#3.pdf file. .Please do #6, 7, and 8 in the file HW3_Optimiztion2-NPR.pdf attached below. In number 6, you are given a hint in the file HW2 Optimization Graphs.docx. I also attached c2_Optimization-NPR(1).pdf which are …


Analysis(1)  Create 3 vectors, one for each of the beach profiles, that were measured and plot all 3 profiles in one subplot. Mark the water line on each profile. Label your graph and include units. a.    What features can be identified in the two beach profiles? Discuss seasonal variances. …

Undergraduate MATLAB assignment

Please use Live scripts formats(.mlx) to complete the assignment. Templates are provided. For the questions in A2 pt.1.png and A2 pt. 2.png, please use analysis2.mlx and secant.mlx to enter the codes. For the questions in C2 pt 1.png and C2 pt 2.png, please use calculus2.mlx and curve_plot.mlx to enter the …


The assignments requires two separate scripts via MATLAB. One to produce a figure showing which initial points converge to the same zero, and the other to determine the zero of a function using the modified Newtons method. The requirements for each function are written in the attachments. Please add comments …

Newton’s method, fixed point, bisection method

I attached my homework and the notes my professor is following. I am having trouble with coding and have the professor gave us no codes just notes that have dissection, newton’s method, fixed point, etc algorithms and that is it. I need help with this homework assignment and need it …

Newton’s method, fixed point, bisection method

I attached my homework and the notes my professor is following. I am having trouble with coding and have the professor gave us no codes just notes that have dissection, newton’s method, fixed point, etc algorithms and that is it. I need help with this homework assignment and need it …