Compare and Contrast Beowulf

AT LEAST THREE quotes (to back up your opinion) from each text– NO MORE then FIVE quotes for ether text– Quotes can not be longer then ONE SENTENCE in length (if you need to use ellipses, then do so)– All M.L.A. conventions must be followed

A website designer job description

talk about what kind of work would you (me)  like to do, what de working hours and salary are like, pros and cons of the job, why it is (not) a family friendly job, what the career prospects are and why you would (not) like to do that job Please …

Comparison of same food from different countries

writing a report on the topic and it also write visible data, for example a table of data(poll). Use the given image as an example for the report. I will provide a plan sheet outline for the report on given topic. at the end write simple summary

The Rolling Stones as ModernismDevo as Postmodernism

Complete the below form document questions thoroughly. view the Art 1899-1999 slide lecture.View the below Modernism vs. Postmodernism Dichotomy Chart below. Then view the two videos. It is believed that each band are pioneers of these eras. (I Cant Get No) Satisfaction!- Rolling Stones vs DevoStones> Devo>

The Origin of The Number 7

The essay is about the origin of the number 7 and where it came from, the essay is also about how it’s used in different places other than math, like how the number 7 shows up in the Bible a lot and is referenced to spiritual things. There also needs …


Within a few days after a job interview, you should write and send in a letter of thanks. In most cases, it is okay to send this letter via email. However, if time permits, a handwritten letter is always better. Using the job described in the ad you( REGISTERED NURSING …

Where did the Renaissance begin?

Where did the Renaissance begin? In your writing, you will briefly compare and contrast the two sources in todays lesson: Italy: The Birthplace of the Renaissance and Non-Western Origins of the Renaissance. First, compare the two secondary sources. Use the sentence starters and frames from the Language of Comparison chart …

Plot Analysis

Plot Analysis on short story, “The Yellow Wallpaper”, by Charlotte Perkins Gillman. (Plot Analysis examines the conflict(s) found in the plot and its developments.  A listing of the plot points, not a detailed plot summary, may be an appropriate way to justify a statement, but a discussion of the conflict …

“The Clod and the Pebble” assignment

All changes savedThe Clod & The Pebble Which should you strive to be the clod or the pebble? Do you know of any clod in your life? J The Clod & the Pebble  (page 520) “Love seeketh not itself to please,Nor for itself hath any care,But for another gives its …