emotional intelligence

you will be sharing what you feel are the most important things that people need to know about emotional intelligence. Begin with what emotional intelligence is. Choose 7-10 concepts to discuss that have to do with mental health, workplace, self, education,  parenting, and relationships. resources should include  Daniel Golemans “emotional …


Produce a 45-page essay that addresses critical thinking questions on the topic. Please consider what questions you will research and answer. Examples of critical thinking questions are below:1.    Crypto Currency: a. what is it? b. does this have value? Why? c. how is money different than crypto? d. is it …

The 19571958 Asian Flu Pandemic

Answering the Question: How has the Asian Flu influenced our current response to the coronavirus? And using the Websites: – http://www.upmc-biosecurity.org/website/resources/publications/2009/2009-08-05-public_health_medical_responses_1957.html – https://www.jhsph.edu/news/stories/2006/1957-asian-flu.html – https://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/the-history-of-the-forgotten-pandemic – https://www.aier.org/article/in-the-asian-flu-of-1957-58-they-rejected-lockdowns/ – https://daily.jstor.org/how-america-brought-the-1957-influenza-pandemic-to-a-halt/

Any topic (writer’s choice)

  The essay is to be written about a current news story directly related to financial planning.  The essay is NOT just a summary of the news story or case study.  The essay should have three parts:  introduction, body, and conclusion.  Open the essay with a summary of the story …

Th Black Death

In this text, you should simply write a text answering the following question: why is theBlack Death historically significant? Some advice: The key to a good history answer is to keep focused on the question. Try tomake sure that everything you write is relevant and helps you answer the question.Factual …

The French Revolution

Question 1. The French Revolution had several different causes, both structural andindividual ones. Choose the one or two causes (it could be an economical cause, anideological cause, a social cause, a political cause, or a cause that relates to the role ofan individual/agency) that you think is most historically significant …

The French Revolution

Question 1. The French Revolution had several different causes, both structural andindividual ones. Choose the one or two causes (it could be an economical cause, anideological cause, a social cause, a political cause, or a cause that relates to the role ofan individual/agency) that you think is most historically significant …

Brave New World and unhappiness

The question is Everybodys happy nowadays, according to the hypnopaedic suggestion.Mustapha Mond himself asserts that happiness and stability are the hallmarks ofhis society. What evidence does Huxley offer that this is not true? In what specificways has the promise of happiness not been achieved in the brave new world?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Trace the development (or deterioration) of a single character by means of a speech pattern analysis. How, specifically, does Shakespeare vary language to reveal subtle changes in character? Remember that the purpose of a speech pattern analysis is to focus not on what a character says, but on how they …