Java JWJGL Library

USE ONLY NETBEANS 8.2 IDE, NO OTHER IDE’s ALLOWED! Write a Java program which uses the LWJGL library to draw a window of 640×480 (with a black background). THIS PROGRAM WILL NOT USE ANY OTHER GRAPHICS LIBRARIES BESIDES LWJGL! To download and setup LWJGL with Netbeans 8.2 go here: The …


Write a program that prints the current world population on screen. Then give them a choice of at least three locations to put the population in (one of which has to be Texas. The other two can be your choice). It then prints the amount of space per person in …

Python Programming with FTK

1.    Write unit tests for the posted solution(s) from a previous assignment:     Write at least 3 test cases for each function (text and binary files)o    the tests should try different situations    You may use 2 test files, or moreo    you may alter the prior test files or make your …

Database Systems

Given the following relation schemes: Teacher = [CourseN, Quarter,TeacherName]Course = [CourseN,CourseName, Nunit)Student = [studentName, CourseN, Quarter]LocationNTime = [CourseN, Quarter , DayTime,  RoomN] //Examples of DayTime: M2:00AM, W4:50PM, and T8:00PM. Note that DayTime is represented as a string. Express the following queries by SQL statements and test them using any appropriate …

Design an object card Design, an object Deck Design, and a driver program. Use these class diagrams to create your objects.

Design an object cardDesign an object DeckDesign a driver program Use these class diagrams to create your objects. ————————————-                    Card ————————————–int _value-String _suit-String _Color-String _Face————————————-+Card(int value, String suit)+String toString()+String getColor()+String getFace()+int getValue()+String getSuit()———————————— ————————————                …

Java Homework

For this assignment, you will be writing classes that model different kinds of 2dimensional shapes, and each shape will be able to calculate its perimeter and area.Well define a superclass call Shape, that consists of a set of points in 2 dimensionalspace (Point2D), which represent the vertices and are ordered …


1)Write a method delete() that takes an int argument k and deletes the kth element in alinked list, if it exists.(i want to be able to choose what my input k will be, i do want hard coded and do not use  ) 2)Write a method max() that takes a …

GUI Media Manager JAVA in Netbeans with some TTD

I need to have 100 story points out of an available 300 from the backlog which is in the documents uploaded. I have a starting code with GUI with some basic functions available which can be downloaded from this link.(BusinessLogic3 and UserInterface3) You have clean and build the BL file …

Java Project implementing programming techniques

Please see attached document for further details. I already have a project in Python that I would like to recreate and/or enhance in Java for this assignment or we can choose any other project you are comfortable with also if agreed upon beforehand. This assignment is broken up into 6 …