Bonus Discussion – International Conference on Cyber Conflict

Thoughts on two of the essays that were published in the review: Strategic Cyber: Responding to RussianOnline Information Warfare (Page 193) Borders in Cyberspace: Strategic InformationConflict since 9/11 (Page 245) Use the following website to access articles Please provide a post – of at least 350 words – with …

Understanding Cyber Conflict: 14 Analogies – Discussion Forum #4

Understanding Cyber Conflict: 14 Analogies – Discussion Forum #4 In Stephen Blank’s discussion of Russian Information Warfare, Cyber Warfare, and “Political Warfare” what are the 3 key takeaways do you make from his discussion? In your opinion, is Russian actions in cyberspace “cyber terrorism” in the traditional understanding? In what …

Module 6 Discussion – Dissenting View

Identify a reading  with which you disagree, and briefly detail your dissenting view. You can use Week 6 material for this. Use the web links or pdfs as references. Essay at least 500 words

Understanding Cyber Conflict: 14 Analogies – Discussion Forum #3

In this discussion, we will look at Steven Miller’s commentary on whether our response to nuclear technology has any key lessons-learned to our current response to the overall cyber threat. Mr. Miller asks the key question, “What elements of the response to nuclear technology, if any, have relevance for the …

Understanding Cyber Conflict: 14 Analogies – Discussion Forum #2

Please read Chapters 7 & 9 in the textbook. Within Chapter 7, Francis Gavin brilliantly articulates an analogy between the expansion of cyberspace and the growth of the railroads in the early 20th century. He opens his discussion, “The role of new technologies, especially the massive expansion of rail lines …