Tic Tac Toe

This assignment is to create a Tic Tac Toe game in Java. I have attached the assignment outline detailing what is needed to be done in the assignment (index.pdf). The assignment must be done using the given java files in the zip folder (a1_3000000_3000001 (5).zip). There are also Junit files …

Tic Tac Toe

This assignment is to create a Tic Tac Toe game in Java. I have attached the assignment outline detailing what is needed to be done in the assignment (index.pdf). The assignment must be done using the given java files in the zip folder (a1_3000000_3000001 (5).zip). There are also Junit files …

Tic Tac Toe

This assignment is to create a Tic Tac Toe game in Java. I have attached the assignment outline detailing what is needed to be done in the assignment (index.pdf). The assignment must be done using the given java files in the zip folder (a1_3000000_3000001 (5).zip). There are also Junit files …

Tic Tac Toe

This assignment is to create a Tic Tac Toe game in Java. I have attached the assignment outline detailing what is needed to be done in the assignment (index.pdf). The assignment must be done using the given java files in the zip folder (a1_3000000_3000001 (5).zip). There are also Junit files …

Programming Exercise 15

Create a class called GermanToEnglishDictionary and a HashMap from String to String in that class called content. You will need to import java.util.HashMap. Create a no-args constructor that creates the content eld as an empty map.Create an enumerated type (enum) called Coin that can take the values ONE PENNY, TWO …

loan calculater

Loan CalculatorYou’ve been hired to do some programming for Metro Bank. They want you to create a program to calculate loan payments. The user will enter the amount of money to borrow from the bank, the annual percentage rate (that will be compounded monthly) and the number of years to …

building a unix shell

This assignment asks you to build simple Unix shell and gives you in the process an opportunity todemonstrate that you are mastering concurrency (including running external executables) and filemanipulation using the POSIX API. You may have seen similar assignments in other courses butthey are similar and not identical; make sure …

Classes and Privacy DIY

This is only for DIY part of the given Workshop 3. Update the Train module to provide a stronger sense of encapsulation while also creating additional functions. As you work on the DIY, it is recommended to look over the provided main program to gain hints on how to implement …

RUBy Reinforcement assignment

answer Chapter 2-1 questions  1-5 on page 74be sure to add comments to show where you answered question on the document There might be some error in my document because ive started it. If you look at chapter 2 in the book it walk you threw how the game is …


Download and unzip IA02.zipModify the code so that FederalExpress and UnitedParcelService implement the IShipper interfaceThat may involve some renaming of methods in the implementing classesBut do NOT change any of the Java code in IShipper.javaAdd a 3rd shipping company named PlanetExpressIt must implement IShipperPlanetExpress.outputProducts() must output all the fields that …