Structure of Steroids

We introduced ourselves to a group of lipids called steroids, which have a unique structure involving four fused carbon rings. The functions of steroid hormones rely on the chemical groups attached to those rings & how the body responds to them as a signal.  Research a type of steroid, either …

Ethics in Technology and Globalization

In this case study, you will demonstrate your ability to make ethical and informed decisions. The case study should address the following while articulating a position on the topic and issue/problem identified: Define and explain the topic and issue/problem that was explored? Answer the question; Why is this topic important …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment # 3: Work Plan for Culturally Competent Practice in Human Services (Due week 8) 25% of final grade Students are expected to complete a personal work plan in which they describe how they can be culturally competent in the field of Human Services. This paper will likely be 5 …


please follow the instructions EXACTLY as written in the document – carefully look over the essay grading rubric to understand how your essay will be assessed. You are not required to cite every reading but you MUST cite the majority of them, particularly those listed under #1. Do NOT summarize …

Structural Inequalities

The purpose of this activity is to increase your understanding of how social and structural inequalities have affected and will continue to affect your lifestyles. Stage 1: Write a personal social history in which you provide details about your parents socioeconomic status in 250-350 words. Include: How you thought about …

Physical education major

I’m applying to a college for the physical education and health bachelors degree I’m looking to become a gym teacher so I want you guys to write an essay explaining that I love working with kids I love physical education and I love staying healthy just explaining why I would …

3-1 Final Project Milestone One: Deconstructing Your Media Artifact

For this first milestone, you will analyze your selected media artifact to identify the target audience, the design elements for the artifact, and the tools used originally to create the image. This milestone will allow you to practice deconstructing your artifact and to receive feedback on this attempt, which will …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Prompt: Stereotypes are powerful because they have the ability to paint social expectations, beliefs, and even unfair judgments about individuals and groups. Stereotypes, then, become the biases that affect how we see our society. What kinds of racial or gender stereotypes have you either heard about or encountered in your …


Psych 3125 A F(20)Assignment 1This assignment reinforces the spotlight on Physiognomy and Racial Stereotyping. It is designed to have you delve more deeply and critically into the ways reading the body for insights into psychological, behavioral, and intellectual characteristics has functioned, in psychology and in society, both in the past …