Wage calculator

Visual Studio program that Calculate pay button so it calculates Rate based on Level then calculates total pay which is Rate * Hours. Using the variable values and concatenating text display a message in a message box like the following:Hello Bill your total pay on 02/27/18 is $450 (10 Points) …

5-1 Lab: Factors Affecting Reaction Rates

Complete the following Carolina Biological lab: Factors Affecting Reaction Rates This investigation uses an iodine clock reaction to examine factors that affect reaction rate. Preparation (5 minutes)Activity 1: Calibration Tests (30 minutes)Activity 2: Concentration (60 minutes)Activity 3: Temperature (20 minutes)Activity 4: Catalyst (20 minutes)Activity 5: Determining the Rate Law (60 …

add find box with next/previous bottons on webpage

to produce a code that puts a textbox and 2 bottons to find Next and previous results based on the input in the textbox. baiscally just like the Find function in the browser when you press Ctrl+F. but it should be on a web page that can be put in …

Unit 7

    Learn to create classes that can be reused with methods that perform output roles.    Learn to collect and validate data that will be sent to the class to create page objects    Learn to process a selection using a switch (multiple conditional) statements    Create a list of breakout sessions for …

team project

Short Easy Task. The project charter is what it started off as so you know. It’s the project contract. Requirements are in the Powerpoint Presentation file all you have to write about is “Detailed Communication Strategy” and “Consideration of the impact of GDPR” You don’t need to do the rest …

team project

The project charter is already done, just uploaded it so you know how it started off as. The presentation slides from slide 37 to 40 are the only relevant ones ignore the rest. In slide 39 all you have to write about is “Detailed Communication Strategy” and “Consideration of the …

C# Dungeons and Dragons – Classes

I have not yet started this assignment. You have been asked to create a Dungeon and Dragons style game. They have asked you to Design a class called Character that will hold the following information:    Name    Age    Players Name    Level    Gender    Race    Class (i.e. fighter, wizard)Then create a program that …

Biomedical instrumentation

BMG5103 Biomedical InstrumentationBaby Monitor1    Objective:To design and analyze a baby breathing and body temperature monitor using Matlab and Simscape. The monitor should sound an alarm if:1.    The breathing ceases for more than 5 seconds,2.    Body temperature increases by about 39 degrees centigrade.

Pizzeria online ordering

I need a program that asks for the customers name, what pizza they want 1. Cheese 2. Pepperoni 3. Sausage or 4. Supreme. Then ask for the price of said pizza or pizzas. A small is $5.50 , a medium is $8.25 , and a large is $9.99. Then depending …

8-1 Lab: Nuclear Decay Assignment

8-1 Lab: Nuclear DecayAssignmentTask: Submit to complete this assignmentRead the following article and then complete the Nuclear Decay lab: Article: Reactions and Changes – Nuclear Chemistry: An Introduction Lab: Nuclear Decay Lab Preparation (5 minutes)Activity 1 (45 minutes)Read through the overview, objectives, and background information provided in the Nuclear Decay …