
Write a self-reflection essay that describes and examines your learning experience in the course. Please paste three works (discussion posts and/or reflective writing) that you think highlight your best work in the discussion forums. Title of DQ: Response to DQ: (Paste 3 works first) Title: Self Reflection Essay Write a …

Durkheim Social Solidarity and COVID19

This case study applies Durkheim’s social solidarity theory (as cited through the attached reading) to discussions within the linked podcast regarding COVID19. Podcast: The Ezra Klein Show- What Social Solidarity Demands of us in a Pandemic 1 hour.

What are the age groups that have the highest rate of depression?

Research Question What are the age groups that have the highest rate of depression? 1. Identify Research Question and Its Purpose (Exploratory, Explanatory, Descriptive)  (1 point) 2. Identify Inductive/Deductive Research and Quantitative/Qualitative/Mixed Methods Design (1 point) 3. Identify all primary constructs from research question.Then identify,  IV/DV (if applicable), Hypotheses (if …

book report

(5) page book report from the MacDonaldization of Society by George Ritzer.  In the book report you must do the following:  summarize each chapter, discuss the functions (good things) about MacDonaldization; the dysfunctions (not so good things) about McDonaldization,  and an analysis and conclusion (12 font). 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Instructions:  Answer each of the following items based on the information presented in the textbook.  Refer to the writing assignment rubric for specific grading criteria. 1. How has your education prepared you to be a knowledgeable voter and active citizen? Now imagine if every other student had a similar experience. …

Asian Countries

Please follow instructions and refer to the rubric : Research several different Asian cultures online (Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, South Korean, etc.).  Research their language, music, geography, literature, religion, and other cultural phenomena.  Present your findings to the class.  Given the significant differences, why do you believe Asian Americans are …

SNA network making and analysis

You don’t have to read the whole file just look at the tables in the end, it’s required to make graphs by following these instructions: The purpose of this paper is to see how real data sets can be transformed into network analysis. Step 1: Download the paper Step 2: …

What are the age groups that have the highest rate of depression?

i have attached prior assignments that correlate to this one Research Proposal: The research proposal due at the end of the semester (12/4) will be comprised of the following components:  I. Introduction, II. Background/Significance (Literature/Review), and III. Research Design and Methods. There will be activities that are due throughout the …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Ethnocentrism Analysis Paper. Analyzing and assessing various stages of ethnocentrism isessential in maintaining and creating a cohesive, productive environment. Developing strategiesto engage and assist an individual is key to a leaders success in this multicultural age. Studentswill write a 5-6-page, APA, (cover page and reference page are not including in …