Why Birthrates Among Hispanic Americans Have Plummeted

https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/07/us/us-birthrate-hispanics-latinos.html?searchResultPosition=8 You have to read the article and do the assignment about it.Why are birth rates declining in the US?How is this related to Hispanic Americans?Why Hispanic women having less children?How do these different rates of population growth relate to the demographic transition model?

Read Instructions

Having watched the BBC film on”The Children Who Built Victorian Britain” contextualize two Blake poems. Discuss  Blake’s literary  imagery(metaphor and metonymy) and how it delivers a social and political message about “childhood”. What traditional religious imagery informs Blake’s system of imagery and how would this impact childhood, in your opinion?Please …

Rational/Utilitarian Tradition

Provide a short 2 pg. paper that summarizes and/or critiques one of the readings from the Rational/Utilitarian Tradition. Make sure your paper provides the name of the reading or readings that your paper covers. QUOTE AND CITE PROPERLY. You may summarize all of the readings for that class session, or …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a 4-5 page paper reflecting on the different work/life/community experiences of your subjects:    Compare their perspectives with your own anticipated life course and past experiences.    What role did gender seem to play in each of your experiences?    What role did socioeconomic status seem to play in each of your …


In this assignment, you are to choose a social problem that you believe is very important.  Not only must you choose a particular problem, but you must also speak to possible solutions for the problem using a sociological lens. The purpose of the paper is to integrate learning across students …

social work class

This paper will present a brief personal background, and should highlight the aspects of your life that you feel most contribute to your interest in social work.  Also, address some possible areas of interest for you in this field, as well as personal qualities that will help you in this …