Literature Review/Introduction

 you will use the five (5) sources below to address the chosen topic.  you are, in essence, building your literature review (introduction section) for your final paper. A literature review is both a summary as well as an explanation of knowledge.   Next, based on your understanding of each article, answer …

Whats Your Problem Discussion 3

Week 3: You Cant Get There From Here: Reasoning and Pathways A traveler comes upon a farmer and asks him for directions to his destination. The farmer scratches his head and begins to give directions, but then stops, shakes his head, and begins again. After a few attempts the farmer …

Whats The Problem Assignment 1&2 Week2

Assignment 1: Anatomy of a Problem After examining a problem, creating a hypothesis is the next step. As you gather information relevant to the problem, you may consider the causation and correlation of particular facts. You begin to interpret the problem and plan a course of action; thus, a practical …

Whas The Problem Discussion2

Week 2: Ready, Set, Stop: Approaches and the Problem Set-Up Problem solving can take you down a path filled with continuous forks or junctions; choosing one direction or approach over another might significantly alter the outcome, or become an alternative route to the same destination. Recognize that the path you …


MY PROBLEM IS PROCRASTINATION AND TIME MANAGMEN Assignment 1: Begin Your Journey With Problem Statements Have you ever tried to solve a problem but the solution did not work out? What went wrong? Oftentimes, we solve problems through trial and error. This type of approach may be appropriate for simple …


Week 1: Name That Problem! Note: To begin this week, review the following media piece. For a citation of this media piece, refer to this weeks Learning Resources. Accessible player –Downloads–Download Video w/CCDownload AudioDownload TranscriptCredit: Provided by- Laureate Marketing As you begin this week, consider how you make sense of …


Assignment: Case Study ProjectBrain and Behavior; Sensation and Perception Last week you submitted the first part of your case study, which involved writing an introductory paragraph about your chosen individual and finding an article in the Walden library to support your analysis of that person. You are now ready for …


Test Test for Understanding This 20-question Test for Understanding assesses how well you understand and can apply the information in this weeks Learning Resources. To prepare for the Test for Understanding: Review the assigned Learning Resources. About the Test for Understanding: The Test for Understanding has a 40-minute time limit. …


Week 2: Brain-Behavior Relationships The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office. Robert Frost This is an amusing quote; however, it is scientifically incorrect. Yes, your brain is a wonderful organ, but …


Week 1: Psychology as a Science Welcome to Introduction to Psychology! Are you excited to embark on this journey together? The roots of psychology reach back to ancient times. As you can imagine, theories about human behavior and mental process have evolved and grown since then. This course introduces you to …