Draft Chapter 2

  Draft Chapter 2 Reminder: You will incorporate feedback you receive during this discussion into your Unit 5 assignment submission. Timing is critical. If you can, post earlythe earlier you post, the more time your instructor and peers will have to provide feedback and give you the opportunity to improve your literature …

Abstracted Outline

  Abstracted Outline Begin your review of the theoretical and research literature to support for your Integrative Project: Chapters 15. Keep in mind that you will demonstrate, via a thorough review of the literature, what represents best practices in a practice or specialization in psychology. At this point in the …

Annotated Bibliography

  Annotated Bibliography Preparation We suggest you use an organizing tool from the Capella University Library: More Services and Tools page, such as RefWorks, to help you keep track of your articles. Refer to the helpful links in Resources. Terms to know for this post: Current research article: This can vary …

Step 1: Literature Search Question (LSQ) Preparation

  Step 1: Literature Search Question (LSQ) Preparation What a Literature Search Question (LSQ) Does A good LSQ is a rhetorical tool that scholars can use to identify the scope of an investigation. For investigations in the field of psychology, LSQs are designed to ask about phenomena associated with the …

The Health Belief Model

  The Health Belief Model This discussion is an exploration of how the health belief model applies specifically to obesity as a public health issue. Answer the following questions: What are your personal preconceptions about obesity? What limits your understanding about obesity ?     How has the information about obesity changed …

Obesity As A Public Health Issue

  Obesity as a Public Health Issue Search for obesity epidemic on YouTube and choose two results to view. Briefly summarize the two choices you examined. What were the major points made in each video? What really got your attention and moved you the most? Why? What more did you want …

Significance Of HIV/AIDS And The Self-Efficacy Theory

  Significance of HIV/AIDS and the Self-Efficacy Theory Preparation The topic for this discussion is ways in which theories can be applied to the HIV/AIDS public health issue. Make sure you can answer the following questions related to the significance of the HIV/AIDS issue in the United States: How serious is HIV/AIDS …

Self-Efficacy Theory And Personal Responsibility

  Self-Efficacy Theory and Personal Responsibility Overview Self-efficacy is the belief in your own abilities to overcome any difficulty. In Bandura’s words, it is your “self-system.” This assignment applies self-efficacy theory as a means to understand the motivations and influences behind one’s ability to take personal responsibility to do what …

Smoke-Free: What Now? Scenario

  Smoke-Free: What Now? Scenario You have been smoke-free for a year. You are celebrating your one-year anniversary and it is time to reflect on the past. You are also aware that you must take one day at a time. In this spirit, you try to answer the following questions: How …

Pros And Cons Of Smoking Scenario

  Pros and Cons of Smoking Scenario Imagine that you have been a smoker for over 20 yearstwo packs of cigarettes a day. You are developing recurring symptoms including shortness of breath, a persistent cough, congestion, and general feelings of apathy. You know that smoking is at the root of …