Essay 1500 Words from Psychology Unit

It values 40% of my unit. So it must be done with much consideration. in the attached files you will have the task and also you have to follow how the essay has to be presented. Every detail for the essay in the attached files. Also, the marking criteria of …

psychology assignment

 2. In what 3 ways do the purposes and approaches to general education, multicultural education, and special education differ in the United States? Explain 3. Name the 3 ways in which differing sociocultural customs may affect the manner in which parents become involved in the educational process. 4.Indicate two areas …

Forensic Psychology Professionals and Racial Profiling

a description of at least one role that a forensic psychology professional performs related to police professionals and racial profiling. Then, evaluate the value and ethics of using racial profiling to prevent terrorism. Support your responses with references to the Learning Resources and the research literature. Be sure to support …

Humor and Sleep Hygienes Potential Benefits for Stress and Immunity

an explanation of the relationship between sleep and stress, including any impact the relationship may have on stress hormones. Then explain how sleep deprivation and stress might contribute to the development of an illness. Finally, explain two concepts you might include in sleep hygiene education and explain why. Be specific. …


Individual Skills Assignment Industries and organizations are comprised of individuals who are established at the individual, team, leadership, and organizational levels. As an I-O psychologist, you will be expected to design training programs that will increase the effectiveness of the business that you either coach or are a part of. …

Watch Video -300 words

  Write a 300-word reaction to this material. What are your impressions of this subject? What points have been most helpful? Some topics discussed in this unit you want to write about: What is hypnosis? How an understanding of hypnosis can help you study/concentrate better in school what is trauma? …

Cultural Impact on Cognitive Development and Morality

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:  There are different developmental theories that seek to explain how individuals develop and change over time. This week you reviewed theories related to cognitive and moral development. Consider the elements that play a role in each of these types of …

Intelligence Testing Article Analysis

Use the Electronic Reserve Readings, the University Library, or other resources to locate at least three articles concerning intelligence testing.  Create a brochure for a local elementary school. Consider your audience, as this information would likely be distributed during meetings where a child might have received an intelligence test. Your brochure would …

Organizational Psych Paper Help

  Assignment 1: “What Makes ______ the Best Place to Work and Why?”Due Week 3 and worth 100 points Choose 1 company that you believe would be an ideal company to work for based on working conditions, salary, opportunity for advancement and work involved. Go to to research.  Write a …

Compare and Contrast Cognitive Models of Aggression

Instructions For this task, create a scenario in which an aggressive act has occurred. Use the concepts of cognitive dissonance, cognition and arousal, and heuristics to view the reasons for the aggressive act from each perspective. The goal of this assignment is to illustrate the theory in action. Describe the …