Overcoming Forensic Psychology Stereotypes In Policing

 To prepare for this Discussion: Review the following articles and think about the challenges and stereotypes forensic psychology professionals must overcome when encouraging police professionals to use psychological resources. “Law Enforcement Preferences for PTSD Treatment and Crisis Management Alternatives” “Characterizing Perceived Police Violence: Implications for Public Health” “Helping First Responders …

Stress, Health, And Social Support

 a brief explanation of the effects of social support on the health condition. Then describe two populations that are at risk for reduced social support and explain why. Finally, explain two ways you might bridge the gap between the need for and utilization of social support for the populations you …

Pathology, Diagnosis, And The DSM-5 – Due In 12 Hours

4 pages    Pathology, Diagnosis, and the DSM-5 Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review and in the course text and view the videos , , and screencast on how to access and use this resource and how to cite and reference the DSM-5. Utilize the to support your …

Complete The Comparison Worksheet

Complete the Comparison Worksheet. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA style. ****  Create a hypothetical family. Develop a scenario that has caused this family to seek counseling. The scenario should …


   Jeff and Sandy Williams present themselves in your counseling agency. Sandy Williams has called for an appointment and cited family issues along with couple conflict between her and her husband. The office receptionist makes an appointment for the entire family of four. Jeff and Sandy have been married 21 …

Ethically And Culturally Sensitive Evaluation Plans

  This discussion offers you an opportunity to identify the ethical and legal issues that will be most relevant to your program evaluation. Address how you will meet the guidelines adopted by the American Counseling Association, the American Evaluation Association, and other applicable ethical and legal standards, as you gather …

Group Structure

  Planning a group involves many steps. Once group members are recruited and screened, group leaders can prepare group members by helping them understand what to expect as a group member. This is part of informed consent and sets the stage for how the group will develop. After reviewing the …


Complete all eight  program modules.  Submit a written reflection, where you will give an overview of the program, reflect on how this program specifically applies to you, and identify which principles of Community Psychology (refer back to Ch.1) are incorporated into this program. More specifically, your entry must cover the following: Explain …

Week Four Discussion Industrial Organization

  For this discussion: Describe a theory of motivation in the workplace and how it can effectively increase employees engagement and/or workplace productivity. Make sure you cite research that shows effectiveness of your ideas. Make sure to include at least two scholarly sources in your initial post that no one else has …

Khadim Ali

Untitled 3, Rustam Series Contemplate the work of art, and discuss your interpretation of the art based on the characteristics of the corresponding movement in your art journal entry. Pay close attention to style, media (materials), methods, subjects, and any other details that make this work significant, using appropriate art …