Ethics In Assessment

PART1– Chapter 1 introduces the topics of testing and assessment. These terms are often used interchangeably. Are they the same based on the information you read in Chapter 1? What is testing? What is assessment? What are the similarities and differences? PART2- Resource:   Select a legal case from the …

Wellness Strategies Brochure And Reflection

  Imagine the agency you created in Topic 4 to provide mental health services for individuals suffering from mood disorders is expanding to reach out to the community by educating citizens about wellness strategies. In order to get the word out about your new services, create a brochure that does …

Weekly Journal Week 3

  Each week you must write a paper of approximately 250 words     reflecting upon the week’s learning experiences at the agency in     which you are completing your practicum. Summarize the task     areas you performed and the number of hours in each, as per the     “Typhon Weekly Hour Log.” Reflect on …

Practice Activity 6: Quantitative Article Critique

  Select one of the research studies from the choices provided below and locate it through the library using your research skills from RES 1500. Read the article in its entirety and complete the . Detailed instructions are provided in the on-line module. Research Studies Duvivier, B. M. F. M., …

Project Paper

Instructions A class project that analyzes and evaluates recent research in sensation and perception will be based on at least three peer-reviewed references and will be submitted in week 7.  (Be absolutely sure that the main references you use are peer-reviewed.  Use professional sources, not “popular” magazines or web sites …

Serving Special Populations

Read: Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy, pages 43-45; and Addressing Diverse Populations in Intensive Outpatient Treatment I have attached additional reading material, I need this by Thursday,  Serving Special Populations After completing the reading for this unit, what do you think is the greatest obstacle facing special populations in addiction …

Meaning-Making Forum 1

Meaning-Making Forums 1-4 are this course’s unique final project. Be fully engaged in Phase One! After reviewing the readings, presentations, lecture notes, articles, and web-engagements, and previous assignments, artificially move your predetermined careseeker (i.e., Crossroads Careseekers: Bruce, Joshua, Brody, Justin, or Melissa) through Phase One. NOTE: These research-based forums require …

Interview Project Career Development

APA STYLE DOUBLE SPACED one inch margins 3-5 pages interviewing a career in your dream field(FBI) include questions and answers given To interview and interviewee (As if they work in the fbi) and include why you want to be in the FBI. and how realistic it is to obtain the …

Week 4 Psy/326

Due in 12 hours. NO Plagiarism. Answered everything in the template attached and use  quantitative research study article is attached.  Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the assigned course textbook readings, the instructor guidance for the week, the Ashford Writing Center resource , and the Ashford University Library …


  You are required to complete this discussion before submitting the unit assignment. For this discussion, complete the following: Match one of your three questions to a research methodology. Describe the methodology (23 paragraphs) and research model (for  example, Giorgiempirical phenomenology, and Moustakastranscendental  phenomenology). Provide a rationale for how this …