School Board Policy Issue

You will select and analyze one local (district or school-level) policy issue that you believe needs to be changed, added, or deleted from the official board policy. Describe the policy issue and its implications on the school setting. Use resources such as student handbooks, school and district websites, school board …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A written discussion about a current news article of your choice. This article must relate to policy issues in education. You will critique the article in relation to the evidence that the author used in making their claim. Show whether the author provided reasonable arguments and facts for their main …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Policy determines how money is spent on education. As a means of decentralizing control of schools and allowing families more options, there has been a push for charter schools, magnet schools, virtual schools, private school tax credits, vouchers, etc. Discuss why families should or should not be able to use …

Literature Review

The purpose of the literature review is to provide the context within which the project will be developed and framed. The process of finding, reviewing, synthesizing, analyzing, and writing the literature review provides greater definition to the theoretical framework and gives you a strong foundation from which to work when …

Curriculum Analysis

Write own definition of curriculum and state ideal outcomes based on how I define curriculum. Analyze the curriculum for evidence of elements of multiple traditions i.e systematic, existentialist, radical, pragmatic, and deliberative defend the elements that adequately aim at the stated intended outcomes critique the elements that do not and …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Georgia has been a resident of an independent-living community for approximately 2 years. In recent weeks, staff members have noticed that Georgia has been missing the noon meal often and on one occasion, she left her front door open. Her physical health is good. She takes medication for blood pressure …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

find an experimental study that has a factorial design. Remember that a factorial design has two or more independent variables, so you can use two key words in your database search, such as antidepressants and exercise. Write a description and analysis of the study in such a way that a …

Teaching for Transfer versus Teaching for Deep Learning

The literature review should include:Intro (1-2 pages) describe the question you pose of the literature, motivate it, define critical terms, describe the scope of your paper, and state your thesis.Body (5-8 pages) present your argument with evidence for/against each assertion,  structure your argument clearly (subheadings)Conclusion (1-2 pages) summarize central argument …

When are we more likely to be “Sheeple” instead of people?

You learned about Asch’s Conformity experiment and may be left wondering under which conditions are we more or less likely to follow the lead of others (?) Asch conducted further experiments expanding upon how to predict when we may conform in real-life situations. He found that the factors listed below …

Bloom’s Taxonomy Assessment

You must use a different cognitive level of Blooms Taxonomy for each question. Note that there are 4 questions and 6 levels which give you options. And one of your choice. Total of 5 questions a. The levels from which you are to pick are: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, …