Capital punishment

I was asked to do a research paper for political science , however I was asked To add an area or two that answer questions, such as how politics impact law as it pertains to capital punishment.  Or, differences in governments globally (regimes, etc). 

american goverment

PromptBased mostly on the reading and lectures in this class, write an original paper of 6 double-spaced pages in length. This paper will be addressed to a current member of Congress, focused on a single public policy issue. The paper should achieve three things: The paper should explain the issue …

U.S Intervention in Latin America

Do you think the nature of US intervention in Latin America during the post-independence to WWII period differed from intervention during the Cold War? If so, how? If not, why? Reference at least one concrete example of US intervention from each period to support your argument. To answer this question, …

Democracy Now Journals

Please write 5 one page double spaced typed entries that consist of critical and analytical responses (not summary) to 5 different current events on this news program- please visit Please apply key course concepts to a current event. Please underline the key terms from the course in each entry …

1. Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government. 2. Identify the most important Supreme Court cases and executive actions and their impact on law and on society.

Instructions: You must write an essay (500 words minimum) in which you address the following two questions or topics: The fundamental values that inform how are democratic government is legitimated and organized are enshrined on the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States. 1.Identify and discuss …


1)    Find a current event that is an example of federalism. 2)    The paper should include:a.    Summary of the current event. b.    How is this current event an example of federalism? c.    Who should have the responsibility for this issue (state control, federal control, shared responsibility)? And why? d.    What …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The American Constitution is a fundamentally bad and flawed document that excluded the majority of the population from political participation and protected the interests of the economically advantaged. Please write an argumentative essay that responds to this anonymous statement. Please be sure to critically engage and include citations from Platos …

The Islamic State and Psychological Operations

Subject: How the Islamic State dominated the information environment during their tenure and utilized psychological operations/information warfare/propaganda to recruit fighters and promote their organization as a legitimate state government. Concurrently, how did the United States and the western world fail to meet the challenge posed by an unrestrained digital enemy? …

Free exercise clause (of 1st Amendment)

Free exercise clause (of 1st Amendment) Political Science Research Paper Forum PurposeThe purpose of this forum is for you to begin work on your research paper.  In this forum, share the resources you have retrieved briefly discuss the references you feel are most appropriate for your paper. Grading Rubric3 References: …