Latin American Politics

Latin American Politics, Final, Part II. (200 pts) Fall 2020 (Open Weds, Oct. 21, 2:45; Due Thursday, Oct. 22, 5:00) For section II of this exam, you may use any materials provided for this classlectures, readings, videos, or your notes.  However, please make sure that you are putting all information …

mid term paper

please follow instructions below.please use necessary attachments. Midterm PaperAnswer ONE of the following questions in roughly five pages of your own originalwriting. Your answer must engage meaningfully with at least THREE readings from thecourse syllabus (with appropriate citations to the authors work). I will not give creditfor essays based on …

Answer the short respond question

Please respond to each of the five short response questions posted below.  Your answers should be short, focused, and complete, ranging from one to three paragraphs.  Please make sure to answer each specific part of every question.  Successful answers will provide details and context that support your arguments and explain …

Excerpt analysis

Analyze the reading and discuss what the article is depicting ,select one quote that you find the most meaningful to you in one of two ways: either because the author/speaker validates something you have already been thinking about or because the author/speaker challenges you to rethink how you have been …

Explain, using evidence from the material, why you found this concept/reading important in the study of race and racism. Explain, using evidence from the material, why you found this concept/reading important in the study of race and racism

1. Explain, using evidence from the material, why you found this concept/reading important in the study of race and racism. This section should be 2 pages long for it mainly analyzes the readings. I want this section to focus mainly on the reading “omi_winant Excerpt.” 1. Explain how race is …

political science

John Locke was very influential to the founding of this government. You were assigned three chapters from the Second Treatise of Government. Please answer the following essay prompt based upon the three chapters that you were assigned. “Would Locke believe in ‘self-defense’ after government has formed? If so, under what …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please Read the Attached Reading (Mencius, (RCCP, pg. 115 157)  then do the following: QUESTIONS, REFLECTIONS, & COMMENTS (QRCS)Please make a post offering at least two thoughtful andsubstantive questions, reflections, or comments (QRCs) inspired by your engagement with the material below. — At least one of the QRCs must explicitly …


Explain how a candidate for Congress in the US would use concepts we have discussed in the course to put together a campaign for election. You should use a minimum of 5 academic sources in support of your Signature Assignment. Your goal is to make an argument and support it …

Political Science Writing Assignment (Democratic Ideal)

This assignment will require you to utilize and engage the previous fundamentals we have covered in this course with specific techniques for a hypothetical qualitative research design as covered in Chapters 7 and 8. 1. Through the LMU Library Database, locate three political journal articles on a similar topic. You …

Please refer to instructions

This exercise examines you on your ability to think and write critically on the ideas and materials we have covered; your grade will not be influenced by any political position you choose to take. Write on the following topic. Use examples to ground your analysis. Answers should be substantive and …