State and local politics

Chapter 16 Would a combination of FBI crime statistics, victimization- and self-report surveys be a better indicator of16: Criminal Justice, then post to the discussion board as promptedthe crime rate than any single measure? Why/why not? Consider white-collar crime and severelyunderreported crimes (like rape, incest, sex trafficking, etc.). What are …

Congressional committees

There are 20 standing committees in the House and another 16 in the Senate. Just about all the legislation that reaches a final floor vote in either house is a product of those committees and their numerous subcommittees. Each Thursday, beginning Week 2, your assignment is to prepare a brief …

Discrimination in Health Care

USE ANNOTATED BIB This is an outline of the research already conducted on your intended topic. Your literature review will outline both the relevant decisions of the US Supreme Court surrounding your topic and also detail what legal commentators have written about these decisions and their strengths and weaknesses. You …


750-1000 words APA Topic: Select one important civil right or liberty to analyzeResearch a Supreme Court decision on that right or libertyProvide a brief history of the case.What question was before the court?  How did it rule?Do you agree or disagree with the court?What were the effects of the ruling?Would …

Political Science

Write a 2-3 page typed letter to a representative in that legislative body in favor or against it’s passage, giving reasons for your stance. For this paper, you’ll need to use two or three scholarly sources to provide evidence for your position. I have provided some resources about the bill. …

The Evolution of Modern States

This exam consists of two essay questions, about 2 pages each. They are questions based off of reading from the book The Evolution of Modern States: Sweden, Japan, and The United States by Sven Steinmo. You have to pick two of these countries and answer the questions. Part A and …

The Importance of the Everglades in Florida Politics

Write an eight page essay on the importance of Everglades in Florida politics, specifically addressing the following questions. Using Michael Grunwalds book The Swamp, explain how the developers of Florida viewed the Everglades.Discuss the attempts to conquer the Everglades.What were the ecological consequences?And finally what does the Everglades saga tell …

Drug Testing Welfare Recipients

Learn about the following policy that has been implemented by a growing number of states: drug testing welfare beneficiaries to determine qualification for benefits. Choose reputable sources to learn about how the policy works. Then, analyze how well you think the policy meets the following policy criterion and explain your …

American Federal Government

ANSWER IN 200-250 WORDS: Do our civil rights and civil liberties have a moral compass?  Required reading for this Discussion: Book chapters 4 and 5.Mahoney, Daniel J. (2021, January 30). Civic virtues as moral facts recovering the other half of our founding, The Center Square, Retrieved from (Links to …

Political Science

You will need a title page and a references page citing the article(s) you are reviewing or citing.  The paper should be APA or MLA format, double-spaced using 12 point, Times New Roman font.  The review will consist of your summary of the article and a critical analysis of the …