Discussion: Confucianism

Description of Assignment: Choose one option. Option 1: Consider your own home culture. If Confucianism became an influence, how would its principles or rules be expressed in everyday language and activity? Imagine, for example, an American city transformed by Confucianism. What would the schools, businesses, and/or government be like? How …

Discussion: Daoism

Discussion: DaoismDescription of Assignment: Choose ONE option. Option 1: The Wu-Wei Principle Wu Wei is the Daoist concept of spontaneous and effortless action. One manifestation of it occurs at special times in repetitive activities like running, when the thinking mind is at rest and there are no concerns about pushing …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

What is the difference between political science and government? Explain the differences and the similarities? What constitutes participation in political science? Is it a quantitative term? A qualitative term? something else? Give an example What does the term ideology mean in political science? What are the major ideologies? What other …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assessment Task Description:Being a new principal newly promoted within your school, you are delegated to do a comprehensive review of your existing school policies with high legal sensitivity, with reference to the following ordinances: Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (PBO) Disability Discrimination Ordinance (DDO): Sex Discrimination Ordinance (SDO) Family Status Discrimination …

What you learn at the Academy?

1) I learn how to develop my critical thinking, leaderships, deal with stressful situation, and professionalism. 2) I learn how to be a teamwork and responsibility3) I learn the meaning of the Fundamental Training Value which is Understanding, safety, trust, integrity, competency and equality.4) The Academy Training entail which involves …

“Fake News – Television

The research paper must be double-spaced, use 12- point font and use more than 3 references.  You must address all the points below in the paper Fake News: TV onlyQ 1. What is fake news? ____Q 2. How to tell the differences between fake news and factual news? ____Q 3. …

Brand management

All five questions must be answered with the best answer, very important. Answers are to be typed  under each question below: Question # 1  Explain the importance of creating building brand strategy. Provide an example of a company that has developed a strong branding strategy. Question # 2 Explain the …

Brand Elements Assignment

Brand Elements Assignment: Select two brands (one of the brands may be the same used for course project). Analyze the brands in the context of the brand elements framework below. Complete a brief analysis of each element for both brands. You will submit the assignment in MS Excel. Therefore, you …

Learning Journal

You are required to write a piece of learning journal. The journal should reflect what you have learned in the class as well as from the readings. Credits would be given if you could integrate theories with their personal experiences meaningfully and logically, and derive insights from the learning activities/reading …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A process recording is a written tool used by field education experience students, field instructors, and faculty to examine the dynamics of social work interactions in time. Process recordings can help in developing and refining interviewing and intervention skills. By conceptualizing and organizing ongoing activities with social work clients, you …