Article summarize

1 Identify the research question or issue the study aimed to answer.2 What questions/ indicators were created to measure each of the key concepts? For example, if the authors used a survey, what questions did they ask on the survey that measured your chosen topic?3 Explain the methodology used in …

Article summarize

1 Identify the research question or issue the study aimed to answer.2 What questions/ indicators were created to measure each of the key concepts? For example, if the authors used a survey, what questions did they ask on the survey that measured your chosen topic?3 Explain the methodology used in …

Week 4 Reflection

Submit by listing 3 major insights from the weekly readings. Each must demonstrate the following: 1. Completeness Ability to capture major contents of the reading 2. Insightful Ability to derive exceptional and novel insights from the reading 3. Applications Ability to show superior applications of the insights gleaned 4. Writing …

Week 4 Reflection

Submit by listing 3 major insights from the weekly readings. Each must demonstrate the following: 1. Completeness Ability to capture major contents of the reading 2. Insightful Ability to derive exceptional and novel insights from the reading 3. Applications Ability to show superior applications of the insights gleaned 4. Writing …

Financial study for AIRBNB

Company name Airbnbfinancial Analysis from the year 2017 to 2021 Goal –Using your specific company chosen for the class portfolio, develop a set offinancial ratios and provide an opinion on the financial health of the company.Highlight the major financial components of the entity and explain and/ oranalyse areas that you …

Financial study for AIRBNB

Company name Airbnbfinancial Analysis from the year 2017 to 2021 Goal – Using your specific company chosen for the class portfolio, develop a set offinancial ratios and provide an opinion on the financial health of the company.Highlight the major financial components of the entity and explain and/ oranalyse areas that …

Financial study for AIRBNB

Company name Airbnbfinancial Analysis from the year 2017 to 2021 Goal – Using your specific company chosen for the class portfolio, develop a set offinancial ratios and provide an opinion on the financial health of the company.Highlight the major financial components of the entity and explain and/ oranalyse areas that …


1)    PLACE THE PROBLEM OR ISSUE IN AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE  Begin this document with the statement of the problem you wish to solve and then write roughly 250 words in which you identify and justify at least one international example relevant to that issue.  The example may be from …

les prsocratiques l’origine de la pense en Occident

bonjour ma dissertation est en deux partie j’ai fait la premiere mais je n’arrive pas avec la seconde qui est “comment les prsocratiques sont a lorigine de la pense en Occidents.” dans la premire parti j’ai dis qui tait les prsocratique et je les ai decrit si vous arriver a …

3. Describe your experience using data-bases and other applications to support training programs. 4.Describe the importance and give examples of how you have maintained cooperative working relationships in the work environment.

I just need these two questions answered on one page 3.    Describe your experience using data-bases and other applications to support training programs.  4.    Describe the importance and give examples of how you have maintained cooperative working relationships in the work environment.