Risk Management Analytics

Risk Management AnalyticsRequirement: The assignment needs to Answer each question, and at least 250 words for each question, Reference. Question 1: The trigger points in expanding the risk assessment processAfter identifying, ranking and prioritizing risks using qualitative analytics techniques the analytics team would normally collaborate with decision makers to determine …

Visualization Discussion in Tableau

Visualization DiscussionData Set: User_Projects.csvVariables: focus on use viewers website, images or sound to analyze correlation between them. Requirement: Create a visualization that not same as individual Tableau assignment (Initial_analysis.docx). Provide two shorts, each one at least 50 words summary of your graph.

Forum 6

Write a essay of at least 350 words using the following prompt. Personality testing has a long history as part of the psychological assessment enterprise. Why is this so? Why do we need to know about personality? What applications do you envision for personality testing in the future?  Thoroughly explain …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Use logistic regression to build a classification model, based on the Boston Housing SPSS data. There are 9 attributes in each case of the dataset. They are: CRIM          per capita crime rate by town INDUS        proportion of non-retail business acres per town. RM  …

Quantitative Reasoning

The administrators and parents at the school that you teach at are questioning why you are incorporating quantitative reasoning into the curriculum of your third grade classroom. They have asked you to prepare a persuasive research paper that supports and argues for why the instruction of quantitative reasoning is important. …

Research Methods IV

Develop and present a proposal for your intended research using a QUANTITATIVE design.  (Reference previous orders) While the most important elements in any proposal are the fundamentals of the problem, purpose, and research questions, the bulk of the assignment will be the methodology. You will want to organize this by …

statistics analysis

A major financial services company wishes to better understand its mortgage approval process. In particular, the company is interested in learning about the effects of credit history (good versus fair), the size of the mortgage (<$500,000 versus >$500,000), and the region of the United States (western versus eastern) on the …

Hypothesis test

Hypothesis tests are a powerful tool, with a solid mathematical foundation. However, criticisms of hypothesis testing abound. For example, one criticism of hypothesis testing is that statistical significance is often confused with scientific significance. Suppose we run this t-test: H0: mean IQ of Boston residents = mean IQ of NYC …

United Kingdom population mid-year estimate United Kingdom population mid-year estimate

academic level: undergraduate. yr 1-2higher education English level English do not use too many hard words i already did some research and i think this topic will be goodvvlink:    https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/timeseries/ukpop/pop you need to download the excel form the web and make a graph make 3 to 5 chart -Pie …

statistic case study crime rate between

academic level: undergraduate. yr 1-2higher education English level English do not use too many hard words i already did some research and i think this topic will be goodvvlink:      https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/populationestimates/timeseries/ukpop/pop you need to download the excel form the web and make a graph make 3 to 5 chart …