Any topic (writer’s choice)

350 words It is not difficult to imagine that intimate relationships with clients can have a detrimental impact both on the helping relationship and on the client. In this discussion, you will analyze the impact of such relationships and their effects on all parties involved, including the human services practitioner. …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

350 WORDS Please read the following chapter in the text: Chapter 6: Assessing Family Resilience: Useful Maps for Practice and Research Chapter 6 explores different ways to map family relationships.It is imperative that Human Service Professionals take into consideration all that is known about the client/family when identifying appropriate interventions. …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

****PART 1****      ATLEAST 350 WORDSBe sure to review the risk management practices from the readings and use the internet and to research legal and regulatory issues common to the human services profession. Please respond to the following: Identify and discuss, in detail, the legal and regulatory issues common …

Identify New Advocacy Issue

Choose a human services issue that you think needs more advocacy, either from your researched information or a new issue. Define the issue and discuss how you would begin to advocate for this issue. Also discuss the importance of the issue, including any relevant background history.


Reflecting on what you have read and learned about politics in this module. Do you feel that the world will ever be politically unified? Why or why not?  What are some of the consequences of some politics on modern day life and your life? Be sure to use examples to …

Cultural Relativism

I just need a presentation regarding a topic that we took this course so I chose “Cultural relativism” and this presentation has to be 15 mins long Try using this link if it works then use it as your source of information or one of the sources:

how technology should be used in the classroom

I need an outline and speech one page for the outline and one page for the speechs thank you. Speech instructions for final outline and speech -combined persuasive speech and argumentation exercise. The purpose of this speech is to provide you with an opportunity to use logical and emotional appeals …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

-what effect do you think that parallel structure has? Does it make sentences easier to understand? Does it make the sentences sound more rhythmic? Or would you argue that parallel structure is not that important? Answer in a paragraph, and quote sentences that do or do not use parallel structure …

author choice

You are to write an 8-10-page essay utilizing MLA format. I will grade your essays upon the strength of your response, your engagement with the readings and course materials, and your ability to demonstrate analysis and critical thinking. You are expected to utilize your notes and the assigned texts to …

Future of journalism

Write an essay of about 1,000 words on what you think journalism/the information ecosystem will look like in the year 2040 and why. I’m looking for you to make references to history in order to make your argument, providing information and arguments about why some things will change, why some …