Urban Anthropology

Each of your article reviews should include the following items. Limit your answer to each question to 1-2 paragraphs.1. Author/Year/Title of the Article. For example: Smith, Michael E. (2002) “The Earliest Cities.2. State the main topic of this work.3. State the conclusion of the author.4. Identify two important statements/points made …

see instructions

The digital revolution as some call it has brought many benefits and conveniences to people worldwide. It has certainly made travel easier and, in many ways, more interesting. Travel destinations can be explored on smartphones, information combed, and bookings made. Digital devices have unchained business people from their desks and …

see instructions

Bleisure is not a word to be found in any dictionary yet, but despite this it is a hot trend in tourism. It can be defined as a combination of business and leisure travel. Whereas tourism statisticians prefer to put visitors in neat boxes, the growing numbers of bleisure travelers …

Streets without joy paper

“Streets without joy” by Bernard fall. this is not a summary of a book. you are encouraged to focus on major themes of the book and how the themes of the war for Indochina, the strategies used on both sides the moral issue involved in a civil-colonial war, importance of …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a review as though it were asubmission to a journal and you are a reviewer who has been asked to evaluatewhether or not it is publishable (with accept, invite to revise and resubmit, or reject asthe options, accompanied by 1-2 pages of comments)


You must attempt all questions. 200-300 words or more per part. Use references. PART 1The Dolezal controversy has raised questions about the way we talk about race in society and in the process taken a concept that scholars have been interrogating for a long time into public discussion. Before attempting …

The Starry Night

ITS SUPPOSED TO BE AN ART ANALYSISSHE IS VERY STUBBORN ABOUT THE NSTRUCTONS IF YOU CANT DO T CORRECTLY DONT BID!!!!!! View the videos provided in the links below. These videos teach you how to analyze a painting. Then, using the second set of links, select one painting out of …

Bias by Bernard Goldberg

The assignment is to write a response paper to the book, Bias, by Bernard Goldberg.The premise is simple: what did this book teach you about journalism? From thatjumping-off point, there are lots of possibilities for development, depending on your reaction to the incidents and situations described in the text.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The purpose of the Video Blog (VLOG) assignment is to encourage you to think and argue critically about specific issues related to ethical dilemmas. Each module week, you will have the option of identifying an ethics-related problem or issue and creating a short video that describes the ethical dilemma,  relates …