Free Healthcare

The topic will be about the arguments of free healthcare. You will be writing a Full-Content-Outline on the pros and cons of free healthcare. This is not a regular essay, you just need to write an outline. I uploaded pictures with examples of the outlines. Just use those examples and …

Communication Barriers Report

I need to follow the writing instructions attached. I need to answer the questions, create a table and follow the template that is in the instructions. I need to use the references attached the two main references needed are the pdf attached “barriers_Effective” and the second one is attached to …

Individual in Society

Background:We live in a world full of challenges. In many places, people are experiencing rising unemployment, political violence, poverty, and looming ecological disasters, most of these problems created by or related to human activity. As individuals living in a free society, we are also free to pursue our private satisfactions …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer questions in essay form. 1. There is a particular way of looking and experiencing the world which anthropologists call, the anthropological perspective. What is this? Offer specific examples of how anthropologist interpret things in the world through this perspective. And how has your perspective of the world changed after …

triumph over Adversity scholarship

this is a project me and the writer will need to work closely together on, I have a had a horrible start in life, and it’s a lot, and I do mean a lot, to explain so I don’t want to put it all here. I really need this scholarship …

Black Panther

The second step toward successful completion of the course project. In this milestone, you will describe the culture(s) and subculture(s) present in your chosen film. You will also identify some of the observed cultural norms that are unique to the culture(s) and subculture(s) in your film. Remember to practice cultural …

Critical Threats to the Global Environment

Overview The United Nations has continued to retain you as a consultant for a project that deals with climate and the environment. Most developed countries see the dangers of releasing too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and are committed to climate policies that attain a carbon-free future in the …


I need 3 African mythology characters that represent strength courage and loyalty or something representing the lion, bear and eagle.. I also need a brief description on why these names were chosen. The names doesn’t  have to be associated strength loyalty and courage, it could wisdom, leader or chivalry


Explain the basic features of postmodernism. Give three examples of postmodern art from different media (including painting sculptures installations prints or other mixed media works) and explain why you chose these examples. Much of postmodern literature architecture and art is funny. Why do you think humor and parody are so …