Miss Representation

Watch the documentary Miss Representation by The Representation Project and answer the question please. 1.    What did you find persuasive and/or surprising about the films arguments regarding the consequences of womens misrepresentation in the media? addresses at two of the subtopics below.  a)    Women as news anchors and reportersb)    Media …


3.    LGBTQQIA identitiesa.    What is heteronormativity? b.    What does the concept the social construction of homosexuality and heterosexuality mean?c.    Discuss three of the various identities in the label LGBTQQIA

Executive summary and Communications

I have a paper attached (HSE 330 Final turn in) For this order I need an executive summary written and a Communications sectionwritten. And for the Executive summary I have attached (HSE 330 Executive summary instructions) For the communication section : (What strategies would you use to tell people about …

What is Race? What is Racism?

The film Race: The Power of an Illusion episode 1 (attached) notes several common false assumptions about race. These include: 1- Racial categories represent scientifically definable biological differences between groups.2- Every human has a specific and objectively correct racial identity. 3- Individuals cannot change their racial identity.4- Every ethnic group …

Linguistic – Acoustic phonetics

CSIS has just been given an audio file that they suspect is the voice of a terrorist. Knowing what you now know about spectral analysis of formants and harmonics, what can be said about the audio file? In other words, should we work for the defense or prosecution?

childhood obesity and the consequences

The final paper will be the culmination of all your work! For this final part you will be expected to write a 10 page paper (double-spaced, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins) that critically evaluates the topic youve chosen. Heres what I expect in this paper. 1) You need to …


Final Essay This semester we have examined a variety of different ideas about what it means to live a good life.  Select two people/characters from the list below and, in an essay of 3-4 pages, compare and/or contrast what those individuals believe about the good life. You must base your …

Human Services

Answer the question with 4-5 sentences. 1. Explain the steps in becoming a non-profit organization2.Explain the fundraising roles of the Board of Directors of a nonprofit organization, the executive director, and volunteers. 3.What have you learned about what motivates supporters? What have you learned about those who give?4.Develop an invitation …

reading qs

Submit your responses to the discussion team’s questions below. Please review the attached rubric and adhere to the following protocol: Responses to each question should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of three paragraphs. Address the questions as much as possible (don’t let the discussion stray). …

discussion questions

Submit your responses to the discussion team’s questions below. Please review the attached rubric and adhere to the following protocol: Responses to each question should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of three paragraphs. Address the questions as much as possible (don’t let the discussion stray). …