Report Summarizing a current global issue in the world

1,500 2,000 words (3 pages single spaced)11pt or 12pt font.Explain your reasoning using what you have read in the textbook.Other formatting/style requirements will be presented in class. Global report Once a week I will start a class by covering an event of global importance that is particularly relevant in the …

Fact Checking

PROMPT: Choose one of these websites and explain, in detail, why it is real, fake, or a spoof. (Be sure you use “fact-checking,” which is an external review of the site, as well as the CRAAP test, which is an internal review). This week, you won’t be able to look …

Human Rights

This is an open-book, take-home exam. The exam will become available on Blackboard and via e-mail at 9 am on 16 December 2020. Due on Blackboard at 11:30pm on 17 December 2020. Late submission will affect your grade, unless you have an accommodation with the Ross Center. You will need …

“Battling Bad Science”

Watch Ben Godacre’s TedTalk, “Battling Bad Science.” (At least 125 words for each answer) 1. In your own words, explain the connection between what we are learning about information literacy and what Godacre is talking about? (It’s there, promise). 2. Find and explain your own example of research being “spun” …

Facebook Dilemma

Write an essay of 3-5 pages in length, in Modern Language Arts format, with at least 3-5 citations in the body of the essay, and also provide a Works Cited page to document citations, from the documentary and outside sources.  Students should have a total of 5 sources, including the …

What is the main problem of global food?

What is the main problem of global food? What are two different ways of understanding that problem and promoting solutions for it? And why is one way better than another? Use concepts and examples from the assigned course readings and course lectures to respond to the prompt. Directions: Make sure …

Anishinaabe social issues

The final paper should be 5-7 pages, double spaced. Make sure your name is at the top of the document or on a cover page. Use whichever referencing style you wish, just make sure the citations are clear. The final paper should take into consideration feedback provided on the proposal. …

Arabic culture

Arabic culture Written essay guidelines Your essay should follow this format Title (research question/topic agreed with yourlecturer)IntroductionMain section with subsectionsConclusionReferences (They should follow the Harvardreferencing system. Consult this guide for furtherdetails What can I learn about the culture/society of the country/countries where the targetlanguage is spoken from a particular book/film/television …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

*****PART 1 – A MINIMUM OF 350 WORDS****** Human service agencies obtain a great deal of personal information from their clients. Often, it is essential for these agencies to share this information with others in order to best serve the client. This week, you will learn about confidentiality for the …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Percentage of Course: 30% (100 marks)Question 1: (60 marks)Discuss whether you think women are more mobile today than in the past and whether this is a positiveturn of events. To answer this question, you will need to explain the concept of mobility by explaininghow it has been changed bya) globalization;b) …