Global and Regional Factors of Yemen

Instructions are in the “Paper Instructions.jpg” file. This paper will be about the Global and Regional Factors of Yemen, slides 3 and 4 of the presentation. This is more a report than a research paper. I will need you to cover the facts mentioned in the two slides above and …

Coyolxauhqui: The Healing Journey of a Chicana Lesbian Deaf

I am hosting webinar series about my thesis research. I’ve attached my thesis and a document for you to fill out to summarize, develop talking points and discussion questions that will help me to prepare my speech through Zoom via online. Each series will last an hour… 30 minutes of …

Stem Cell Research Is Moral

The introduction and conclusion should be fully developedthat is, they should include the three clearly identifiable parts* There should be a definite, logical connective bridging each component of the speech. * Each main point should be clearly stated and developed. * Adhere to the principles of clear explanation. Use organizers …

A Changing Social Service System

As a Human Service Professional, you will encounter clients who have a multitude of problems and needs. As our society changes, it is our responsibility to stay aware of the changes and how those changes impact the services we provide. It is also our responsibility to know what services and …

Ethical Dilemma

In human services, it is important to understand not only the ethical standards but also how to apply them in a practical manner. They are meant to be a guide that protects both the professional and the client. Having a comprehensive plan is important to the continuing development of the …

logical fallacies

What logical fallacies have you been most prone to using?  What fallacies have others used against you?  Discuss at least FOUR fallacies and come up with an original example to illustrate each.  How do you think you can avoid these fallacies in the future? Each discussion post should be at …

Discussion 1

Go to: . Follow the website instructions. Discuss your findings and how congruent your actions are to what your stated values. Based on these findings, create a personal values statement. Which Ethical Standards for Human Services connect to your top 5 values? Discuss how these connections will inform your …

Check Instructions

You have the freedom of choice between two topics, 1.Is international politics founded on racial hierarchy? 2.How should the international economic order be reformed to deal with climate change? You may choose whatever piques your interest more or whichever you think you’ll do a better job on.  This is the …

ethnic studies

1. I think that formal education can promote dominant or counter narratives depending on how it’s taught and by whom. I think the problem lies with who is deciding what we learn and how we learn it. 2. I think education should be liberating students (and teachers, honestly), and helping …


Write up a policy analysis on the current situation, identify existing challenges, and provide solutions or suggestions to improve the practices in intergovernmental relations. The policy report may analyze an actual situation or even discuss the hypothetical situation (if you cannot find a relevant case or data). The objective of …