Queer Theory: Negotiating Intersections

1- First page (response to the reading attached ) 275 words minimum Respond to the attached reading from the book Queer Theory now, chapter 7- Negotiating Intersections, and respond directly to the reading and what you understand or caught your attention and made you reflect about the topic, but also …

Medical Anthropology

You have to use the readings: Gender relations and Sars and anti-epidemic stations to identify the key features in each of the corresponding topics listed on the assignment sheet:  Gender relations among the San of the Kalahari and HIV/AID and Sars and  anti-epidemic stations. Explain what they are and key …

Evaluation Plan

Evaluation PlanYou were introduced to the various types and purposes of evaluations. For this assignment, you will create an evaluation plan for a proposed program. You will present this information in a PowerPoint and provide speaker notes to support your content. Assignment DirectionsAs you create your presentation, please note that …

Program Evaluation

Imagine that you are developing an evaluation plan for a program in your chosen career area of interest. Based upon the readings, reflect upon how you design your program evaluation. Please respond to the following:    What type of program evaluation would you choose for your proposed program and why?    Describe …

Race in urbarn hist

Write one paragraph each on 1. How is the generation gap shown in this Chinese American Family? 2. How does immigration status and institutions shape her community 3. How does her community view outsiders? 4. Do you see common issues with your own community?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

You have to use the readings: Bhopal (intro & chapter 1), amniocentesis, and biological citizenships to identify the key features in each of the corresponding topics listed on the assignment sheet: Bhopal, amniocentesis, and biological citizenship. Explain what they are and key features about about it from the articles, and …

The Legacy of Korean Language

The Professor mentioned that he will mainly focus on how much you put effort for researching on this topic rather than your English Writing. So,the more you put effort on various sourcecs of reading the articels,books,other research papers and historical facts,the better quallity of paper will come out.You need to …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Create an annotation of this article as if you were considering it for a source in a paper. Here’s how:     Write a 150-200 word summary/critique of the article in which you not only summarize the article but also note any strengths or weaknesses you find in it. In addition, …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

3) Genres such as enka or kay-kyoku provide interesting sites to understand cultural change in terms of musicology (how certain melodies, scales, instruments are adapted or commercialized for mass media consumption). Choose a song from either an enka or kay-kyoku and discuss its aesthetic qualities, appeal, and emotional significance. 1) …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answer questions in essay form. 1. There is a particular way of looking and experiencing the world which anthropologistscall, the anthropological perspective. What is this? Offer specific examples of howanthropologist interpret things in the world through this perspective. And how hasyour perspective of the world changed after being exposed to …