International Political Economy

Pick one question only! 1.    Critically evaluate the role that trade liberalisation has played in Chinas economic growth in the last decades and whether it can be emulated by other developing countries today. 2.    How has the production and appropriation of economic value been transformed by the globalisation of production …

African American Experience

Discuss the civil rights movement. What civil rights did blacks achieve?  How did the Civil Rights Movement Change over time?  Compare and Contrast the different approaches to Civil Rights issues.  Was the Civil Rights Movement Successful? Explain your position 1. A minimum of three Academic sources is required.2. You must …

Peer Review of Introduction

In this discussion board, you will begin writing your argument essay due at the end of Unit 7 by submitting the introduction to your essay. The introduction is the opening of your essay. You want to hook the reader from the first paragraph of your essay. In order to do …

Careers in Human Services

I choose  community and service networker, community planner, consultant, mobilizer, and outreach worker. Instructions for work. This week you’ll read chapter 2 in the Introduction to Human Services book, and have a chance to research a human services career of interest to you as part of your discussion this week. …

language ideology

Haviland (2003) & language ideology: For todays session, you read Haviland (2003), an analysis of how language ideologies are central to the practice of U.S. law. For this discussion post, you will analyze how language ideologies are part of the current Presidential impeachment trial unfolding in the U.S. Congress. At …

International Relations

This assignment is a take-home essay consisting of 3 questions (1, 2a, and 2b). The answers should fill about 2 pages. The objective is to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. Please exclusively use the course materials to support each answer; you will not find the answers on …

How does agenda-setting influence coverage of poverty?

Pick one topic and write an essay between 1,200-1,600 words in length. It is due Feb. 14 by 11:59 p.m. The grading rubric is at the end of this document. You must use at least two resources from class and at least three outside sources (news organizations, books, academic articles, …

Terrorism and Security

This is a research proposal for a class on “Terrorism and Security.” If the research proposal is approved, then I will also assign you the entire research paper. The research question must fall under “Terrorism and Security,” but the professor did not assign us any readings or material on the …

Tourism Services:National Park Service

1.    Describe the H&T company & its sustainability e.g., sector of tourism, size of company, location/s, ownership (local or foreign), years in operation, significance of the companys efforts (e.g., certifications, funds, projects, policies, etc.) to sustainability, examples and types of sustainability (e.g., social, ecological, economic).2.    Assess applicable UNSDGs …