Black Panther

Prompt: In Section IV of the final project, you will use three anthropological core concepts to explain the behavior of the characters in three scenes of the film. In this assignment, you will choose one of these concepts to analyze and receive feedback on. Use the feedback you receive from …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

1. After reading the El Plan Espiritual de Aztlan, how is Rodolfo Corky Gonzales promoting (overall) the idea of self-determination for Chicano communities and which ones do you think are the most important (pick top two) from the ones listed in the [Organizational Goals] and [Action] sections of the plan? …

Any topic (writer’s choice)    <– a link to give you an idea of what I am applying for. please answer the following . Which of the FELS pillars do you most identify with? Tell us more about how you practice them! * – Continus learning – Open and balanced mindset -Ideation and …

Conversation Analysis

A conversation between the sword and the neck – Ghassan Kanafani: Above is the conversation that I am analyzing, my motivation is that with whats happening in Palestine at these times and the media coverage a lot of things do not get covered by media or get lost in …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this short essay, you will use Chapter 4, “Escalation: Youth Mobilization, Militancy, and Conflict,” to answer the following questions.  Also, you are to use outside sources to further help your response.  You can use the internet to help you search information, but please do not use Wikipedia.  You will …

Biological or Socially Constructed traits

PROMPT A:Think of your readings for this week and the Lacey video clip. In your opinion are race and gender biological traits or socially constructed traits? In other words which do you think determines our behavior more, biology or society? Briefly explain your answer. After you have decided on …

How Could Language Have Evolved

After reading the sample student annotated bibliography, How Could Language Have Evolved answer the following questions. If the annotation does not offer a clear answer to the prompt, be sure to state this in your response: (1)    Identify the claim made by the author(s) of the article (1-2 sentences) (e.g., …

Homo heidelbergensis and Homo sapiens

Assignment Directions Answer the following questions based on the Canvas page about Homo heidelbergensis and the textbook reading about Homo sapiens (Chapter 12). You must provide detailed answers to each question for full credit. Try your best to summarize the information and write what you have learned in your own …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Final assignment: write a 2-page reflection paper explaining what you hope to remember from this class 5 years from now.  As a reflection paper, there are no right or wrong answers;  just take it seriously and honestly explain what you will take away from the class and why, with as …