Forum assignment 3

Cite from the Sources for the Cultures of the West reader any work of literature from chapters 19-23 and answer the below question in at least 150 words. Remember: proper syntax and two replies of the same length are required for full credit. What role did religion play in the …

Vision Mission and Improvement

TOPIC I:        Mission, Vision, and Core ValuesNOTE: FOR THIS WEEK AND ALL FOLLOWING WEEKS – ALL NELP SUB-SECTIONS IDENTIFIED FOR EACH WEEK’S TOPIC MUST BE ADDRESSED IN YOUR PAPER.Candidates who successfully complete a building-level educational leadership preparation program understand and demonstrate the capacity to promote the current …

Greek and Roman Humanities

Research Essay Minimum 1,000-word essay on a topic within the remit of this course, Early Civilizations, Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome or the East. You may choose the topic but I must approve it. Possible topics may include, but are not limited to, historical events, works of art, architecture, religion, philosophies, …

Benefits of Fitness

Please write your entire outline ( 650 words + references) Be observant of your grammar and spelling. This is a gordon rule assignment. Must write in citations min 2 APA format (please place at the bottom of your outline) Be prepared to revise if needed – you need to make …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A 5-page factual paper must be written on any topic. This paper has an extreme emphasis on the factual part. It will be deducted points if there are statements that are not factual. The topics should be simple like “is coffee good or bad” and you then take a side …

Research Journal #7: Analyzing Sources

Use the Annotated Bibliography paper you wrote and complete the two work sheets. Use sources from the paper and analysis them with the worksheets Due 19th of march Part I: Primary Source Analysis Pulling from the list of sources you have compiled during your research, choose one primary document you …

Women forced to/or feeling pressured to wear makeup

Research Paper Proposal Requirements:Topic (1-2 sentences)Background (1-3 paragraphs describing why your idea is relevant, what is the problem)Abstract (300 word description of your project)Objectives (What are your goals with this topic? What do you hope to learn or accomplish?)What do you expect to find through this process?  Do you have …

10-14 slide powerpoint presentation

Use this Hunter-Gatherers resource page as a starting point. There, you will find an in-depth examination of the hunter-gatherer society as well as additional sources to explore. Make sure you use and refer to at least two sources in your presentation. Use this template to create a presentation of 1014 …

Environmental Ethics

View one or more of the following YouTube TED Talks videos.Reflect on the issues discussed in the video(s) you viewed. Address the following points in your discussion post: What is the speaker’s point of view about the topic? Is the speaker biased?What ethical issues and ethical reasoning are argued?Do you …

Classical Archaeology

Answer number as indicated. Each question must be answered in 5-6 paragraphs. Each paragraph must be 5-10 sentences each. No plagiarism. Uses sources below for help. Do not cite powerpoints, 1.  Compare the frescoes of the Knossos palace to those found in the West Building at Akrotiri on Thera.  Do …