Venn Diagram

Create three separate Venn diagrams that compare and contrast cultural anthropology with each of the other subfields of anthropology (biological anthropology, linguistic anthropology, and archaeology).  Label each circle of the diagram with the subfield.  Write comparisons in the appropriate parts of the circles.  You may use this template (Word) (PDF) …

Non-verbal communication (interaction)

Your essay is designed to increase your understanding of nonverbal communication in relationships. For this essay, you should choose a real relationship/interaction in your life and evaluate the nonverbal communication using your textbook. Choose a specific topic reviewed in this class (for example, eye contact) and reflect on the relationship …

Non-Verbal communication (Interactions using non-verbals)

Your essay is designed to increase your understanding of nonverbal communication in relationships. For this essay, you should choose a real relationship/interaction in your life and evaluate the nonverbal communication using your textbook. Choose a specific topic reviewed in this class (for example, eye contact) and reflect on the relationship …


Fourth:In addition to the actual debate preparation and participation on the day, your group will be submitting a 1,200 word essay on why you think your team should win after the debate is concluded, by the deadine as stated (midnight London time).The amount of words used should be stated at …


FORMAT: 3-5 pages (min. 1500 word count), 1 margins, double-spaced, 10/12 pt. type; cover page if you wish. Use at least two outside sources (cited). MLA format preferred for any quotes (see syllabus). You must use one of the approved file types: pdf,txt,rtf,doc,docx – no Google docs, etc. HAMLET optionsWilliam …

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

View the following video about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the following video which represents an opinion about our failure to defend these human rights by former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Raad al-Hussein: After watching the videos and reading through the 30 Articles of the …

Information Literacy Assignment

Need directions followed as this was the remark from my last assignment form my professor: Will you pick one particular challenge that is impacted by poverty? Looking forward to reviewing your literature summary at the end of this week to see its connection to this topic I’ve attached the template …

Myth & Culture

Discuss how one cultures mythology has been influenced by the geography of where they lived, and also the time period in which they lived when the myths were shared. In your essay, establish a central idea about the cultures values related to its geography and historical era. Use relevant, insightful …

Rogerian Argument

You have researched an exigent issue (Is College necessary?) and have likely formed an informed opinion at this point. Before focusing on your own argument, this assignments purpose is to demonstrate your ability to fairly and accurately present two arguments on the issue and put forth a compromise to demonstrate …

Self-Reflexive Journal

All instructions are attached I am African American (Black) Part I source Macassa, G., & Tomaselli, G. (2020). Rethinking developed nations health systems through a social sustainability perspective in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic. A viewpoint. Journal of Public Health Research, 9(4), 428431. Part II source Gross, T., …