Critical Urban Analysis

Must-Dos:Your essay must have a clear Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and Works CitedYou essay must use proper Citation using Chicago Manual of Style in text citation: (Links to an external site.)You must build an argument that answers this analysis questionYour argument must be based on the evidence from your sources …

Emergency Management

Examine ONE of these topics in greater detail from a Canadian context. Use other sources as well. Demonstrate an understanding of the readings and module materials as well. 1)  Wicked Problems in CanadaTackling Wicked Problems: A Public Policy Perspective Declaring a state of emergency? 2) Risk Assessments in CanadaAll-Hazards Risk …

British Structural Functionalism/Levi-Strauss

Answer 1 of the following questions. Your essay should be about 750-1000 words in length. Please format your paper as though you were turning in a hard copy. Use a 12 point font, 1 inch margins on the left and right, and 1 inch margins on the top and bottom, …

Creating a Disaster Resilience Framework

Guidance for developing your own disaster resilience framework Here are the following methods and tools to analyze disasters from various perspectivesand a variety of objectives. In other words, you can define the purpose of your framework in terms of what it is supposed to do and why. 1. Pressure and …

Disasters – 5 questions

PLEASE CHECK THE ATTACHED PDF Consider the guiding questions on slide 12 – Assumption, [no one left] Behind, Consult, Data, and Equity (ABCDE) and comment on each of the five questions through real disaster(s) situations. For example, there is evidence of Assumptions being made based on race during COVID-19 with …

Discussion Question 4

please read the case study from prior Case study assignment. After learning about Jennifers situation in this case, what are the characteristics of an effective ethical leader? Discuss your strengths and growth areas as it relates to these components and to Jennifers experience. Report on your plan to strengthen your …

Case Study

TEP 1 Read: Case Fifteen: Whose Values: The Politics of Planning. Read below: NOTE: You may have to login to the library website to access this material.Step 2: Submit a 2-4-page paper that analyzes ethics and values. Answer the questions at the end of Case 15 (pages 97 and 98) …


Read the materials and write short answers to the following questions. Avoid cut and paste; try to use your own words to explain . 1.    What is the difference between the descriptive and the prescriptive approach to the investigation of language?2.    Explain what is meant by the priority of the …

Writers choice

Assignment Instructions A think-piece is a thought provoking piece of writing on some issue of concern that includes some background, analysis and opinion. It is often less formal than academic writing, and speculative, meaning it reflects the mind of the author as opposed to extensive journalistic reporting, research or knowledge …

Choose a topic from the world document below

3-4 page essay.One developed, edited and proofread sample of your writing, initially posted on a weekly forum and then revised. The revised forum post should be roughly 3-4 typed pages, although it can be longer if you like. Please give it a title that conveys its main focus. As well, …