Topic can be on a world religion and its socio-cultural impacts or on a more general topic dealing with the culture impacts of influences of religion on American or other societies.

8-10 pages, double space preferred, cover page, bibliography, please use at least 3 academic sources other than lectures or your textbook. Topic can be on a world religion and its socio-cultural impacts or on a more general topic dealing with the culture impacts of influences of religion on American or …

Topic can be on a world religion and its socio-cultural impacts or on a more general topic dealing with the culture impacts of influences of religion on American or other societies.

8-10 pages, double space preferred, cover page, bibliography, please use at least 3 academic sources other than lectures or your textbook. Topic can be on a world religion and its socio-cultural impacts or on a more general topic dealing with the culture impacts of influences of religion on American or …

Maji-Maji Uprising (Tanganyika)

Course: Uprisings: Protest & Resistance throughout the Globe Assignment: A case study investigating social movement drawing on course readings and ethnographic research where possible.  Must use 5 primary and 5 secondary sources. Social Movement: Maji-Maji Uprising (Tanganyika)Course Readings (files attached): Everyday Forms of Resistance by James Scott, Facing Power by …

Media and Information Literacy Paper

PROMPT: For this Essay, draw both The Social Dilemma and All the President’s Men to argue whether it is worth jeopardizing mental health and personal security to release compromising information to the public. Give your essay a creative title that simultaneously grabs your readers attention and gives insight about what …

Globalization and Society

Examine Taxes/The high increase in taxes through the lens of social sciences. (My previous topic was Taxes/The High increase in taxes) 1. Describe or summarize your previous topic  (My previous topic was Taxes/The High increase in     taxes)2. How has your understanding been affected by the social sciences lens?3. …

Critical Analysis 4

I need two separate papers, 2 pages each, analyzing the The Football World Cup through two different lenses the natural and applied sciences, and the social sciences.  One paper – 2 pages with Natural and applied sciences lens, and the other paper – 2 pages long with social sciences lens. …

Ape Characteristics, Lesser Apes, and Orangutans

Answer the following questions based on the reading from Chapter 5, the websites, and the videos. Try your best to summarize the information and write what you have learned in your own words. Any text that you directly copy needs to be in quotation marks. Copying from the textbook will …

political opposition in the Middle East

Although the Middle East is less democratic than other world regions, opposition parties andmovements in the region have long struggled for political change. Drawing on the theories andcases (countries) studied in class, answer the following three questions in a single essay.1.Describe the main forms of political opposition in the Middle …

Environmental Anthropology

I need to answer 2 simple prompts (more questions within the prompts) for my anthropology class. The answer only needs to be around 50 to 100 words each. (Word count is next to each question) Please try to stick to the word count, my professor is very strict about it. …

Your assignment will be to assume a role as a representative of the Panamanian Government, United Nations Official or transnational NGO, a leader of the ngabe bugle, OAS official, a United States Representative and offer a position paper (4-5 pages) on th

Overview: This week we will turn our attention to the day-to-day operations of international actors in a human rights crisis. After six weeks, we are now ready to look at an actual case and analyze the role of various organizations responding to it. Assignment Details: We will use the conflict …