
YouTube playlist and its curator rationale.You will curate a YouTube Playlist specific to the topic you have chosen that either builds on a topic we have covered in class or cover a topic related to our course. The playlist should be no less than 15 minutes and no more than …

This is an assignment for an investigative Journalism class. Write a critique of one of them, discussing its strengths and shortcomings. Consider: topic chosen, source list, impact and presentation. About 750 words. The only source that must be used is th

This is an assignment for an investigative Journalism class. Write a critique of one of them, discussing its strengths and shortcomings. Consider: topic chosen, source list, impact and presentation. About 750 words. The only source that must be used is the article “go after the the trouble makers” by Anjali …

Biology of Beauty and Human Mate Choice in Popular Media

I need to write a discussion post for my anthropology class. The prompt is, ”Discuss a piece of popular media in using concepts of the biology of beauty or human mate choice that you learned about in this module.” For this prompt, I would need to find a media to …

Draft of Research Paper for Race and Cultural Diversity

This assignment should be typed, double-spaced, include page numbers, headings, and adhere to APA Formatting.  Eight (8) pages of content are due. While your paper must include a title page and reference page, these pages will NOT count towards the eight-page draft minimum.Include section headers (centered and bolded) throughout.The draft …

Inuit Shamanism and Christianity

Impact of Christianity in Shamanism and how was a new institutional form was established. The essay needs to contain an introduction describing the topic of study, the essays thesis statement, which briefly describes the argument. The essay should also contain a brief review of the literature (especially the theory used …

Article Review on given 4 page article

1 PARAGRAPH PER ARTICLE QUESTION -provided down below 1. Compare and contrast the African replacement model for modern human origins, with the multi-regional model, the assimilation model, and the hybridization model. 2. Discuss the ways in which DNA technology originally supported the replacement model and the fundamental problem with it …

pop art

You must post a substantive comment to two discussion posts. Your responses need to reflect critical thought and demonstrate an understanding of the relevant concepts. All factual knowledge must be supported with at least one appropriate scholar”quote” citation of source in text. Minimum 150 words per reply.

Early Stone Tools

Pick any TWO of the artifact types (choppers, flakes, and/or hammerstones) and tell us ONE thing you think hominins could do with each kind of tool that you think would have been difficult or impossible for them to do before. Why do you think this made a difference in helping …

Communication Presentation

Case Assignment For this Case assignment, you will write a 5-minute speech, you needed to address SLO 1. Discuss the principles and components of effective communication skills. SLO 2. Define the essentials of public speaking in a variety of settings. SLO 3. Use verbal and non-verbal communication skills that augment …