Final paper

About additional materials:All the course materials are uploaded. Most of them were shown and used in the previous assignments, so most of them should be read again. In addition, it is NOT necessary to read and use all the course materials. Be free to use some of them if you …

Sample display description

Final Project component #4: Sample display description Sample display description. Present a detailed description for one of your exhibit displays. In 500 words or less, provide a close depiction of what this display is and how it engages the exhibit theme. This description should address both the what and the …

project proof

MEAD PROJECT This is a PROOF OF CONCEPT; it is like a mini-first draft.  In an appx 2 minute media segment and augmented by a “prep” talk and “after” talk, you and your group will communicate your “question” to a public audience, explaining with enough detail so that they understand …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

InstructionsPART 2: RESEARCH ESSAY Using the UMGC library and the Internet to nd scholarly and credible information on your topic, you are to write an essay that summarizes what the social science literature says about your topic.Your essay should be about 1500 words and follow APA style (7th edition). Be …

Libya Threat

For this assignment you will take your case-study from the first paper and, first, provide your analytical assessment (thesis) on the case. Second, you will detail the threat in a nine-section Threat Assessment format. Your assignment should be 10 to 12 pages (not including title page and bibliography), typed double-spaced …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

2 Prompts (OPs select one) 1) How can analyzing “moral” concerns about sex and sexuality reveal the operations of various power structures such as cisheteropatriarchy? How do ideas about what is good/natural about sexuality and gender relate specifically to the family? How do ideas about the “ideal” or “normal” family …

Women’s Studies Position Paper

The author’s position on women’s roles, women’s movements and gender studies expressed in the article. Share where you agree or disagree with the author’s position. Finally, share how the article informed or reshaped your position on genders studies, women’s roles and women’s contributions in the home, workplace and society.

Marine Geography

Instructions: In the first half of our course, we explored how the Anthropocene is widely recognized to be not only a new geological era in which humans influence global systems, but also as the culmination of ongoing, social, cultural, economic, political and environmental changes tied to the Industrial Revolution and, …

Marine Geography

How has the coronavirus epidemic been facilitated through infrastructurally-mediated social and environmental changes of the Anthropocene?2.How are the impacts of the coronavirus epidemic socially and spatially differentiated? In other words, who, if anyone, is disproportionately impacted and why?3.How do these differential impacts reflect the uneven power relations that determine the …

Marine Geography

Instructions:             Write a 1000-word (two pages single spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins) essay that discusses the links between coronavirus and core themes we have been studying this term. . To give you guidance your essay should answer the following questions: How …