Human Rights

The final assignment (research project) has three predominant features:   understand the history of a human rights problem in a human security context, including the theories and concepts at play within it;present a case study in which the problem is identifiable and compelling;offer a solution or the practical application of …

Donna Haraway: Feminism (Liberal Perspective Only)

Hello, this solely has to be an article review, feel free to add your opinions. Please focus on the authors main argument/ idea as well as other ideas or topics the author presents and how they are related. Some in text citation would be appreciated. Provided some examples.

Syrian peace talks

I need help to write my paper. original writing no copying from the internet please. CRITERIA FOR FINAL ESSAYWhat should be included in the essay (report) I. Heading Subject: Title of Report/Briefing on Current (include title of topic) Negotiations Date: Current Date II. Summary (1-2 paragraphs) Summarize what is in …

LING123 work sheet

1. all the Introduction in merged.materials. doc. plz read it carefully. (not exactly looks like an essay, only need answers Q1-Q11 on work sheet. 2. more details about this work available on the Reading Response Paper #2 ( in the same doc)3. Sources: All answers need to be based on …

Research Proposal

For your research project, you will choose to explore a topic/theme through two artifacts. The first work should be from before 1900; the second one should be more recent (at least after 1900). The goal is to write a compare/contrast essay that will examine a particular theme/topic through these two …

Individual portfolio Vilnius Old Town

For your chosen area (Vilnius Old Town) provide a brief introduction on its role as a tourist precinct, and suggest which trends, ideas and theories help to explain how and why this area is consumed by tourists.  Individual portfolio of approximately 3,500 words. Assessment criteria for the final patchwork portfolio    …

current issue response Sex and Gender

InstructionsThe purpose of this paper is to explore current issues in todays society that relate to this weeks content.  Choose any topic from chapter 9 that relates to a current event (an important event that has occurred within the last 5 years).  Discuss the topic in terms of todays culture.  …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

As a result of the destruction and chaos of World War II, the period following it was one during which basic values were questioned. The philosophy of Existentialism, (which has both atheistic and Christian forms), addresses the need for Western society to reexamine its basic principles. Jean Paul Sartre, in …

The social position of animals in different societies and cultures.

Perform a virtual fieldwork project on The social position of animals in different societies and cultures. The project requires a report of four pages in length, written according to a model outline. -Introduction two paragraphs-Methods of research one paragraph,, -Results of research two pages -Conclusions one paragraph -All papers must …