Your own monster

By now, you’ve spent most of the semester reading and viewing and listening to material about monsters (real or imagined). You’ve summarized and analyzed what other people have said and written about monsters and monstrosity. For this final assignment, you’ll extend the work you’ve done so far by choosing a …

Review Assignment

The chapter review assignment, of 2 pages, will be on 1st chapter (Man of Mystery)  of the UWinnipeg ebook Alexander the Great and the Mystery of the Elephant Medallions (Frank L. Holt). In your review, you should summarize 1) what the author of your argues and 2) what they are …

Fanny Lou Hamer the woman of breaking barriers

Follow the instructions on the proposal PDF doc. Since this is a group project, so the second document “Paper for AFS” you have the parts of the two other members of the group. After reading the proposal you’ll understand what you need to write about.

Growing up in high-poverty areas can affect your employment

Cite each formally, using APA citation style. With the citation write a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph. Inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. Focus on the studies methods and results. Each entry should be no less than a paragraph and between 200-300 words.

American Dream failure for Arabs and their Mental Health

I need an essay discussing the failure of the American dream in fulfilling Arab immigrants promises and the detrimental effects it has on Arab immigrants’ mental health. Please focus on the mental health of Arabs living in American and how the american dream has failed to attain them with peace …

Asian hate

This will be a Problem-Solution speech written Full-Content-Outline (FCO).Use the Full-Content-Outline examples will be shown in the files uploaded and make a full-content outlines of the problem-solution presentation. It will be on Asian hate. -The FCO needs to be 2 – 2.5 pages in length and will have at least …

joining I.T school

1. Why are you interested in pursuing a career in this field?-  because I want a secure job, a high pay job and great job for my future2.When did you decide you wanted to be part of this industry? Why?: as an adult learner we have to make great chose …

Journal 2

A journal about ethics , ethical speaking, ethical listening, civility in classroom.  Also, talk about how speaker nervousness is normal, how to manage speaker nervousness.  Talk about the importance of listening, listening vs hearing,  the process of listening, obstacles to effective listening, promoting better listening, and providing feedback.

Growing up in high-poverty areas can affect your employment

Cite each formally, using APA citation style. With the citation write a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph. Inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. Focus on the studies methods and results. Each entry should be no less than a paragraph and between 200-300 words.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Midterm Paper: (900-1200 words max) Select at one or two works (no more than 3) that we have either viewed as part of the class or which you choose yourself (with instructor approval). You will write an essay with three distinct sections. First, the introduction (approx. 150-300 words) should situate …