Any topic (writer’s choice)

In 400-500 words (include word count) you will thoroughly answer one of the discussion prompts provided for the week. In order to gain full points for your post, you need to: Cite specific examples or quotes from at least 3 different readings from the week; include appropriate in-text citations (author …

Cumulative Essay: Anthropology and Indigenous Peoples Rough Draft

topic Overview For this essay, you will research an indigenous group and their relationship with anthropology.  Include the following points in your essay. Describe the group you have chosen. Incorporate various topics that we have explored throughout the semester: language, ethnic identity, economy, political system, kinship, marriage, religion, arts. What …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Assignment A 1,500-word paper (approximately 10 double-spaced pages) on any topic related to feminist and/or queer theory due on 5/21 at 11:59PM. Planning Guide     Introduction paragraph:         – A research question or problem is stated        – Methods are briefly stated        – A brief overview of how …

Resurrection of a Lost Art

discuss Mummification in terms of historical significance its importance historically from the past, present, and future perspectives Known to many as “Mr. Mummy,” Professor Bob Brier is an Egyptologist specializing in paleopathology (the study of ancient diseases).  Considered one of the world’s foremost experts on mummies, Professor. Brier is the …

Book review

Book Review (20 points): During the term, you will be required to write a book review of not less than 2,000 words. In the book review, you are required to provide a description and an evaluation of an autobiographical account of your choice that we have NOT discussed in class …

Seminar Discussion 5 (190)

    How do we explain the relationship between the courts and marriage equality in there reading:


PLEASE USE SOURCES AND CITE IN ESSAY! Is the rise in China’s power a threat to the United States and the postwar Bretton Woods system of international economic relations? In what ways are China and the United States competitors in world politics, and in which ways are they adversaries? If …

rough draft

This is the rough draft for your final paper. Please try to have most of the work completed for this. No, it’s not expected to be perfect, but keep in mind that the closer you can get to a finished product here, the more feedback you’ll get 🙂 You will …