Reading Response #5

Reading Response #5: We viewed and discussed a presentation by Ellen Lupton, the lead curator for the Cooper-Hewitt museum of design in New York City: The question we posed was, ‘what “final vocabulary” (Murphy 2015: 41) for design is performed in this talk?’ For this reading response, address this question. …

System racism within the higher education system

For this project you can choose to either submit a 5-10 page research paper or give a 7-9 minute presentation on a topic of your choice.  If you choose to submit a research paper, you should upload that paper in a pdf or word file format in this assignment portal …


MEAD Project: Introductory Abstract In appx 200 words (250 MAX), write an intro/abstract for your group that is appropriate for publication as an introduction to your group’s project(s) in a catalogue or public program.  This is what your audience will see in the online symposium materials. Your intro/abstract should give …


Attached is the pdf Identify at least three implications for children whose parent(s) are incarcerated and discuss what could be done to alleviate these problems for children.  Please refer to the readings from the Handbook of Social Policy as well as the required reading from the Social Work Policy Institute.

Consider your goals (at least 4) and action

Consider your goals (at least 4) and action items as we move into our professional futures Childhood Maltreatment Develop a professional plan.  Consider your goals (at least 4) and action items as we move into our professional futures working with children, families and vulnerable populations.Develop a chart (SEE EXAMPLE 1) …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose 2 of the 4 course themes: (1) modernity; (2) colonialism, nationalism, and cosmopolitanism; (3) race, ethnicity and class; and (4.) culture, memory, and history.  * If you choose course theme # 2, you may focus on one of the three topics. And explain how literature, visual art, and/or film …

In this assignment, you will write an essay aboutan experience that changed how you see either your futuregoals or your goals at UC Davis. The essay will follow the experiential learning cycleexperience, reflection, analysis, practiceto demonstrate how

In this assignment, you will write an essay aboutan experience that changed how you see either your futuregoals or your goals at UC Davis. The essay will follow the experiential learning cycleexperience, reflection, analysis, practiceto demonstrate how you moved from experience to a change of mind or habit.

Political Science

We have to watch a movie and Read an article than in paragraphs comment on it and do what it says in the instructions I have attached a screenshot of.Here is the link to the readings: Dallaire, Romo. Lessons from Rwanda The New York Times, April 12 2005. Power, Samantha. …

cultural anthropology

Please note that the deadline is one hour and 30 minutes Please answer all the questions below q1. Some anthropologists argue that linguistic suppression can be equated with cultural suppression.  Explain q2. Cultures vary in how they understand how the body works.  Compare and contrast the personalistic versus the naturalistic …

Kinship Diagram Activity

For this assignment, you will create a kinship diagram using symbols from chapter 10.  Then you will write a brief description of the diagram using kinship terminology from chapter 10. You have 3 options on which to base your diagram: Use your own kin group (i.e. nuclear family, relatives) to …