Working with Older Adults

MUST HAVE AN IMAGINATION, YOU ARE ABLE TO MAKE UP OWN STORY (WITH FEW DETAILS THAT MUST BE INCLUDED). You will be writing a paper from my perspective about working with my grandmothers. This is a reflection paper that is apart of a project. In the project we worked with …


This paper will include two parts: Part 1. Research Section (3-5 pages): This section should present a clearly-argued thesis on the topic you originally proposed in the topic proposal. Be sure to use 3-5 sources. These are secondary sources in addition to the 2 artifacts you have chosen, which are …

Commodity Chain (Pomegranates/tropical fruit)

This is a an essay about commodity chains, this part is only for the topic of distribution of the commodity, our topic is tropical fruit but we have narrowed it down to talk about mainly pomegranates, attached is the guidelines and the section that is to come after this one. …

Murder at the Sleepy Lagoon,

According to Eduardo bregon Pagn in Murder at the Sleepy Lagoon, what is the root source of the Anglo vs Mexicano conflict over the Sleepy Lagoon trial and the Zoot Suit riots? And more broadly, how are these moments connected, and what do they teach us about the development of …

Vietnam War and Chicano Activist

According to Lorena Oropeza in Raza Si! Guerra No!, how did opposition to the war in Viet Nam shape the politics of Chicano activists? General Instructions Reading essays will ask you to take a position on a question (i.e., make an argument) and defend that position with evidence from one …

Human Development and Family Sciences Research Paper

I have attached the directions below. Tha paper layout should look like this and should be bolded at the top of each new section:IntroductionPros of testingCons of testingPros of Assessment Cons of AssessmentSummary The sources should be no older than 2011. At least 5 of the sources have to be …

East Asian Studies: Pillow Talk Book

After reading Pillow Talk, pick a topic (religion, aesthetics, literature, sexuality, gender) and explore its role in the book in relation to its content, structure, and themes. Frame your observations with an overview of historical time, place, and events discussed, but also examine how your topic relate to it aristocratic …

Primate Culture and Tool Use Questions

Answer the following questions based on the reading from Chapter 6, the web reading, the video clips, and the documentary. You must provide detailed answers to each question for full credit. Try your best to summarize the information and write what you have learned in your own words. Any text …