531 (3)Need Assessments

Need Assessments For this assignment , research existing needs assessments on the local level in your community, state, or federal level related to a social problem and potential human services program that you are interested in addressing in your human services career. Please respond to the following:1)    What is the …

Program Design and the Logic Model

For this assignment, you will develop a logic model of your proposed program. The logic model is introduced in the Community Tool Box reading, Section 1. Developing a logic model or theory of change. A logic model is a valuable tool used to visually describe and communicate a program in …

write a page in spanish explaing what you did on your last vacation

write a page in spanish explaining what activates  you did on your last vacation, make anything up. Write a paragraph in Spanish (6- 8 sentences) and select one of the three following topics: “Mis actividades diarias el semestre pasado” or “Mis actividades diarias en mis vacaciones pasadas”

Research 1

Choose any ethnographically modern society (a group in which anthropologists have/could have conducted ethnographic studies) from anywhere in the world.  The society needs to be an ethnic group and fairly homogeneous; you are not researching all citizens of a nation-state/country.  Carry out literature research outside of class, focusing on language, …

599 Problem Statement

This Assignment assesses the following course outcomes:HN599-1: Knowledge Base: Examine broad organizational roles and functions, and various methods of advocacy.HN599-2: Historical Impact: Explore the history of the human services profession and the impact of past and present policies and legislation. Overview of the HN599 Capstone Project The HN599 Capstone Project …

The Program (599)

The Program For your primary post, provide a background history of your program, or if this is a new program, provide relevant historical information on similar programs. What similar programs currently exist? Where are there unmet needs and/or gaps in the system and how does your program fulfill this unmet …

Written Activity #9

Written Activity #9: Reflexive Essay Reflexivity is a key component in anthropological analysis and research.  Reflexivity is the process and ability to think critically about how one’s own positionality and experiences impact how we view the world, and it forces us to constantly engage in a process of de-centering our …

two essay questions

Essay Exam for an Anthropology course about food, taste and desire. Part A: Answer BOTH essay questions (40 points each, 2 pages max each). Answer all parts of the question and substantiate your claims. 1. What is the future of food? What visions of food futures does Wurgaft discuss in …

counseling skills

Sign into the online supplement to your textbook called Mindtap, go to Chapter 13 and click on the Video Activity tab to view the Closed Captioned Video Activity under Helper Studio: Sarah, Crisis Counseling.  Watch the video and then respond to Sarah’s questions by applying skills for crisis counseling. After …

A Review of the Contribution of Theory to Program Planning and Social

Program design and planning includes understanding the culture and values of organizations, primarily nonprofit agencies, leadership roles and skills (human relations, communication, conflict resolution, etc.), and communication collaboration and partnerships. Building and strengthening these skills are important to effectively develop and administer programs.Examine how leadership roles and skills, including building …