Human Services Planning

Recently, there has been a shift from process to performance outcomes in Human Services program planning. Describe the shift and how it has impacted program planning. Provide one example of a program that was successfully planned and implemented, and identify how the program is monitored for effectiveness.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Instructions:  I WILL DEDUCT 10 POINTS FOR EVERY 12 HOURS PAST THE DEADLINE.  The essay needs to be at least three pages and no more than five pages, double spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, and default word margins. If you have a similarity rating of more than 15 …


prepare a presentation with speaker notes for about 10 mins ” in which you start with a quick overview of what we covered in this class. Then you can focus the presentation to talk about a topic/topics you found helpful for you in terms of how you view issues related …

Minority Languages Linguistic Landscape

I am planning to write about Minority Languages Linguistic Landscape and research that specifically in the GULF region aka (Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, UAE, Kuwait). I will also attach some links that I found to be useful but feel free to find more links, the following is the guidelines …


1.Please follow the requirements of Essay 2: all the info are in the materials.essay2 pdf. 2.This essay needs to use the info in the reading response #2, they have to be related. 3.Please try to write it in a more concrete language for general audience. This helps eliminating some awkward …

The Impact of Climate Change on Food Security

Overview The United Nations (UN) has hired you as a consultant, and your task is to assess the impact that global warming is expected to have on population growth and the ability of societies in the developing world to ensure the adequate security of their food supplies. Case Assessment As …

Queer Theory: From Pathology to Pride

1- the first page ( response paper) 275 words minimum Respond to the reading attached -from pathology to pride- you must respond directly to the reading, what you understand, use quotations from it and think along with the authors and what they mean. 2- Second page ( response to this …

Narrative Speech

Please evaluate Narrative speech video and answer questions in essay format as per instructions.Assignment Objectives To examine your reactions to communication apprehension and identify areas for improvement in public/presentation speaking Assignment Requirements Note:  All papers must be typed, double-spaced, written in essay format. Your paper should respond to all of …

Informative speech

Please evaluate informative speech video and answer questions in essay format as per instructions. Assignment Objectives To examine your reactions to communication apprehension and identify areas for improvement in public/presentation speaking Assignment Requirements Note:  All papers must be typed, double-spaced, written in essay format. Your paper should respond to all …

Anthropology and Indigenous Peoples Final Draft

Topic OverviewFor this essay, you will research an indigenous group and their relationship with anthropology.  Include the following points in your essay.     Describe the group you have chosen. Incorporate various topics that we have explored throughout the semester: language, ethnic identity, economy, political system, kinship, marriage, religion, arts.     …