An understanding of the diverse academic

Provide specific examples of your work experience that demonstrates your sensitivity to, and understanding of the diverse academic, socioeconomic, cultural, disability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and ethnic backgrounds of community college students, faculty and staff. About meAs a seasoned Kaiser Permanente employee, I have a history that runs deep …

minorities After watching the documentary “Good Kurds, Bad Kurds”,, what did you learn about how the US deals with the struggle of ethnic minorities for political rights? Which factors affect the US’ stance on human rights abuses? Please write a statement of about 100-200 words.

Special Occasion Speech

Special Occasion speech with visual cues (if you do not know what visual cues are please ask as it is a required part of the speech for final grading) Speech should be for a special occasion for example Maid of honor, Bride at wedding, etc. Speech should be 4 MINUTES …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write like you are a 15 years old girl who currently studying in a boarding military middle school and applying for high schools,Imagine you are from China and just live in U.S for 2.5 years, and are still facing a lot of difficulties. However, these difficulties make you become more …

Canada as a Middle Power

his is the following question that you have to base the paper on:  Is Canada a small, middle, or principal power? Has that determination changed in the last few years/decades? is this categorization still useful in determining Canada’s place in the international system? 1- The paper has to demonstrate  a …

Canada as a Middle Power

his is the following question that you have to base the paper on:  Is Canada a small, middle, or principal power? Has that determination changed in the last few years/decades? is this categorization still useful in determining Canada’s place in the international system? 1- The paper has to demonstrate  a …

Canada as a Middle Power

his is the following question that you have to base the paper on:  Is Canada a small, middle, or principal power? Has that determination changed in the last few years/decades? is this categorization still useful in determining Canada’s place in the international system? 1- The paper has to demonstrate  a …

Canada as a Middle Power

This is the following question that you have to base the paper on:  Is Canada a small, middle, or principal power? Has that determination changed in the last few years/decades? is this categorization still useful in determining Canada’s place in the international system? 1- The paper has to demonstrate  a …


Give yourself plenty of time to read the first article (do not read the primary source until after this analysis is done).Analyze the secondary source article using the questions listed below (drawn from the Campus Library at UW Bothell and Cascadia College).  Do NOT complete in short answer – this …


Give yourself plenty of time to read the first article (do not read the primary source until after this analysis is done).Analyze the secondary source article using the questions listed below (drawn from the Campus Library at UW Bothell and Cascadia College).  Do NOT complete in short answer – this …