API lesbians in the U.S.

You will be responsible for writing a paper (2 pages) regarding API lesbians in the U.S. Please use a credible newspaper (New York Times, the Atlantic, Reuters, Associated Press, etc.) and analyze the article. -What is the article about? -What were some of the challenges for these women to come …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please read these guidelines carefully before you compose your film response. Your task is to write a film response that integrates ONE CHINA FILM (or Taiwanese film) or ONE JAPAN FILM, with at least two readings. Your response should focus on a specific theme or historical moment from film clips …


Read the attached article and answer the following questions in a paragraph each (8sentences minimum). DO NOT INCLUDE THE QUESTIONS OR TITLE IN YOUR PAPER, SIMPLY NUMBER YOUR PARAGRAPHS 1-4.1-What is the overall purpose/thesis/point of the chapter/essay/article?2-How does the author(s) make their point(s)? What do they discuss? What evidence and …

Final Project Paper

In your final paper, you must extensively research an important moral issue involving the media and/or information use. I must approve all topics. You wont be able to use any cases discussed in class without my permissionso be sure to begin your search for a topic early. Your final paper …


Write about what you learned about globalism/nationalism using 4 of the readings from bellow: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1853/06/25.htmhttps://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1853/07/11.htmfile:///C:/Users/Moderator/Downloads/The%20Nation_Weber.pdffile:///C:/Users/Moderator/Downloads/politics%20as%20a%20vocation%20weber.pdffile:///C:/Users/Moderator/Downloads/Benedict_Anderson_Imagined_Communities.pdffile:///C:/Users/Moderator/Downloads/Latent%20Orientalism.pdffile:///C:/Users/Moderator/Downloads/escape%20from%20freedom%20fromm%20.pdffile:///C:/Users/Moderator/Downloads/destructiveness%20and%20automaton%20conformity%20Fromm%20.pdffile:///C:/Users/Moderator/Downloads/citizenship%20as%20social%20closure.pdffile:///C:/Users/Moderator/Downloads/harvey%20spaces%20of%20global%20capitalism.pdf Discuss what you learned from them specifically by providing one quote from each reading and explain that quote in relation to your individual experiences as an “American” and you could even write if you wish …

museum Report

Museum Report visit online a Museum of your choice to evaluate in essay form your review of a work of art.  Check out  Art Museums online to decide which painting you’d like to choose.  (There is no physical Museum visitation). Choose a painting only (no sculpture, tapestry, photograph, etc.) to …

New Folks In Town

Another holiday has arrived and it is time to celebrate with extended family from across the country. Even your cousin is coming home after studying abroad for a semester. In such an outgoing and talkative family, these celebrations usually include delicious food, family fun, and some feisty conversations; this celebration …

Classics in the 21st Century

I have to write why I believe it is still important to learn about the Ancient Greeks today. I need to express these opinions using logical arguments. We were given 4 specific articles to support our argument. I can send them to you once I assign you. Thank you.

Political Science

We have to write a reflective essay basically talking about how our initial opinions have changed with the knowledge we learned in class. I have provided in detail the professors instructions as well as my initial post and 2 of my other writings from this class because they will need …