Paper 1

Citation:—-  Chicago style Cite four relevant sources in Chicago Style format (Use footnotes, not parenthetical citations!), one may be from your textbook, one may be from your primary source reader. At least two citations must be from outside scholarly sources (primary sources, peer-reviewed journals, academic works, etc.) These sources are …

Forum assignment 2

Cite from the Sources for the Cultures of the West reader any work of literature from chapters 16-20 and answer the below question in at least 150 words. Remember: proper syntax and two replies of the same length are required for full credit. What is revolution in the context of …

Forum assignment

Cite from the Sources for the Cultures of the West reader any work of literature from chapters 12-17 and answer the below question in at least 150 words. Remember: proper syntax and two replies of the same length are required for full credit. If the Renaissance was the “rebirth” of …

Medical Matrix

CASE 2:  A woman contracts three people i.e., an unknown sperm donor, an egg donor, and a surrogate in Asia to co-jointly produce a child, whom she will adopt.  Analyze: 1) from the childs possible perspective upon reaching age 16; and 2) in light of each of the major Medical …

Climate Change Discussion

Climate Change Discussion Choose one factor that is contributing to or is a consequence of climate change.  Explain what that factor is and how it relates to climate.  Discuss how you think anthropologists might be able to address that factor in order to limit the negative consequences of climate change.  …

Human Services

My organization is Veterans Administration mental health or social services program My theory is Path Goal Theory Case Study Scenario for a Nonprofit, For-Profit, or Government Organization For this assignment, select a case study scenario from your textbook, readings, other course activities, or a real-world human services organization. Choose a …

Denial and Deception

Instructions: Before starting this assignment, please read the following directions carefully.Read the Orientation statement thoroughly before going to the Assignment Requirement.Do not simply copy your answers from the readings or any other resource. I am not interested in what someone else had to say about these topics; I am interested …

presentation feedback

Students may write a short response to the feedback given to their presentations for extracredit (between 500-750 words). Based on its thoughtfulness and connection to coursematerials this is the video that you have to watch and this is my friend feedback. “This was an incredibly interesting presentation and incredibly …

Research paper

The paper should consider the object itself, the writing on it and its significance, and the cultural and historical context of the object and that writing. How does this object fit into the larger narrative of the development of writing for this culture and historical period? What particular aspect of …

normative ethics and meta-ethics.

In 500 words or more (no less), explain the difference between normative ethics and meta-ethics. You may use examples, but you will still need to include a full scholarly definition of each, with commentary. You may use any scholarly source other than a dictionary, to include online video lectures. You …