Thesis Statement Assignment

To demonstrate your knowledge of generating significant speech topics, select two topics for each of the general purposes; then, write a 2-page narrative in Microsoft Word, containing the following content. TWO TOPICS ARE:-Career goal- Pursuing becoming a manager of a business-Leisure activities and interests- (fitness-working out 5 times a week)  …

Thesis Statement Assignment

To demonstrate your knowledge of generating significant speech topics, select two topics for each of the general purposes; then, write a 2-page narrative in Microsoft Word, containing the following content. TWO TOPICS ARE: -Career goal- Pursuing becoming a manager of a business -Leisure activities and interests- (fitness-working out 5 times …

Conflict analysis

Observe an instance where conflict is present, one in which you are not personally involved. (You will need to be a bit of a covert operator to accomplish this.) Answer all of the following: Describe the conflict scene.Who was involved in the conflict? What was the relationship between the participants …

Community Based Programs-Pallitive Care

Please include Palliative Care in the paper. Research paper topic: Community Based programs-palliative care As a Human Services Administrator of an aging organization in your community, you are at the helm of establishing sound practices that enhance the clients overall well-being and effective organizational functioning. The purpose of this assignment …


Arrange, plan, conduct, and record a short interview (20-30 minutes) with a friend or family member regarding their experience of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the interview is to get a sense of how people in different settings and situations both perceive and have been affected by COVID-19. …

conflict management

How can you manage your emotions in a conflict situation so that you remain aware of how you are communicating and listening?When you have a conflict with someone with whom you only communicate online (instructor, another student, online customer service, etc.), how do you resolve your conflict? What is appropriate, …


Great anthropological work always included taking field-notes based on daily observations. This assignment will give a short, first-hand experience in conducting your own field research by maintaining your own short-term fieldwork diary. For this assignment, you will be creating a short, five-consecutive-day diary based on your own experiences of living …

homework paper

1) adequate length (approximately 150 words) 2) clarity and good writing 3) addressing the original prompt and the student response 4) including an in-text citation (to either assigned or extra material must use a proper citation format) – The citation should come from course readings, films, or outside sources (Prof …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please scroll and contribute at least 2 posts to this Discussion Board on at least 2 distinct questions threads. Each post will be given points for the following: 1) adequate length (approximately 250 words) 2) clarity and good writing 3) including a specific example 4) including an in-text citation (to …

Twentieth-Century East Asia

Writing no more than 600 words for this argumentative essay. Reading the 7 pages I will attach from Voices from the Whirlwind and follow the prompt I will also attach. Analyze the relationship of family loyalty and class patriotism.  How did the author make sense of harm against family members …