Human service settings

FINAL PAPER CONTENT GUIDELINESPlease read and follow the directions in the course syllabus carefully (i.e. Must be written in and cited per APA style and requirements). These instructions are to identify some specific content ideas and how to format your paper. It is your responsibility to review and refer to …

Any topic (writer’s choice)

For the paper (4-5 pages, double spaced), you are asked to dive deeper into the issue that you h have first chosen in the perssausive letter  and critically analyze the issue using at least 2 articles I have chosen. The point of the paper is to analyze the event with …

Banning phones while Driving

Write the Essay on single spaced and be sure the speech has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Put my Name on the upper left corner of the speech and the speech title and read every detail for the Assignment and follow every information they tell to do.

Why we should hire you

I will attach photos of the examples of the outline. All you need to do is follow those outlines. This topic will be on Why we should hire you – Thinking through an upcoming job interview, prepares you for communicating in an effective way– Being able to effectively communicate your …

Outing The Closet : Butler

1- First page (response to the readings) 275 words minimum Respond to the attached readings from Butler and respond directly to them or one of them and what you understand. Use quotations from one or both of the readings and think along with the author and what she means. 2- …

Forum assignment 5

Forum assignment 5 Cite from the Sources for the Cultures of the West reader any work of literature from chapters 25-29 and answer the below question in at least 150 words. Remember: proper syntax and two replies of the same length are required for full credit. Does humanity generally seek …

Forum assignment 4

Cite from the Sources for the Cultures of the West reader any work of literature from chapters 23-27 and answer the below question in at least 150 words. Remember: proper syntax and two replies of the same length are required for full credit. Historians argue the First and Second World …

Paper 3

citation style:– Chicago Cite four relevant sources in Chicago Style format (Use footnotes, not parenthetical citations!), one may be from your textbook, one may be from your primary source reader. At least two citations must be from outside scholarly sources (primary sources, peer-reviewed journals, academic works, etc.) These sources are …

Paper 2

citation style:– Chicago Cite four relevant sources in Chicago Style format (Use footnotes, not parenthetical citations!), one may be from your textbook, one may be from your primary source reader. At least two citations must be from outside scholarly sources (primary sources, peer-reviewed journals, academic works, etc.) These sources are …